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What it Takes to Get Us Into the 21st Century

October 16, 2015

IT4You Project Process

What it Takes to Get Us Into the 21st Century

Progress Doesn’t Happen Overnight
One does not simply decide to make an overarching change to the systems of a 125 year old company like the Canadian Kennel Club and expect it to happen quickly or without a little bit of anxiety. We CAN expect, however, that with the right people in place and support and encouragement from leadership, that a comprehensive plan can be developed and executed. And that is how IT4You came into being.

Our Process
CKC searched for and found qualified professionals to guide the process. We assembled a Steering Committee led by Andrew McCallister to oversee the project and engaged Logixsource Consulting to assist with the identification and documentation of the detailed business process requirements. The IT4You Project is led by Tom Gibson, a skilled project management specialist who will conduct several workshops, regional focus groups, teleconferences and meetings to map processes and clarify our needs.

Keeping You Posted
CKC has been involved and communicating with all stakeholders throughout the process so far and will continue to do this until its successful completion. No one can claim this is a mystery and everyone has a chance to provide input and feedback.

Once this stage of the process is complete, we will use what we’ve learned to shop for the ideal product that most closely meets our needs. This will then be customized to ensure all our needs are met.

Moving Forward
Throughout 2016 we can expect to see a lot of training, communication, follow up, practice, and feedback until we have all reached a comfort level and efficiency that frees us up to provide better service to our members and to expand our membership as well.

Have Your Say!
We welcome your input and encourage you to complete the feedback survey to let us know what you think. If you have questions, feel free to contact us at [email protected] or visit this blog for regular progress updates.

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AccueilHome > Archived > Blog > What's in IT 4 You? > October 2015 > What it Takes to Get Us Into the 21st Century