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October 2015

Having Your Say
October 29, 2015
Over the past several weeks we’ve been reaching out to members to gain valuable insights into what we’re doing right and what we can improve at the Canadian Kennel Club.

Quite often there is cynicism surrounding IT projects and there is a reason for that. Although technology has evolved over decades and now enables us to do so many things efficiently, we sometimes lose sight of what it’s there for in the first place. Technology is a tool to serve people - not the other way around.

One does not simply decide to make an overarching change to the systems of a 125 year old company like the Canadian Kennel Club and expect it to happen quickly or without a little bit of anxiety.

Lloydminster Show
October 16, 2015
Members of the CKC IT4You project team attended the Lloydminster Kennel & Obedience Club event.

To put a new business system in place we have to be able to identify what we need it to do.

How Can We Do Better?
October 05, 2015
Club members, staff and leadership are demanding improvements to the way we conduct business.

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