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Top Obedience Dogs - Official 2015 Results

Meet Canada’s Top Obedience Dogs

 1-TOD-2.jpg#1 MOTCh. Tanbark’s High Rolling Player RN
Retriever (Golden)
Owner/Handler: Rose Apollonio
Most memorable trial: Edge had such a phenomenal year in 2015 that it’s difficult to pick out one single memorable performance. He gave his all during every trial. It’s not about the wins, the titles or the HITs, it’s about the partnership of the team and the heart of the dog doing what he loves.

Funniest story: One of the funniest things that Edge does is that he has figured out how to open his crate and open his training bag. He then takes out all of his toys that are in the bag, casually removing them one at a time while looking to see if I’m watching. If I’m watching, he stops; but the minute I’m not watching, he proceeds to move them into his crate. Then, when I notice what he’s done, while he’s laying amongst his toys, he looks at me with innocent eyes, as if he can’t figure out how all his toys got in his crate.

2-TOD-1.JPG#2 GMOTCh. Belcourt Cool Dude
Poodle (Miniature)
Owner/Handler: Lee Kozicki
Most memorable trial: Little Scooter has amazed even me reaching #2 all breeds in only seven months of trials. Last year was all firsts for Scooter – getting his OTChX, MOTCh. and GMOTC. along the way. His first 200 was also very memorable. Scooter is my fourth GMOTCh. Mini and always gets comments on what a happy little dog he is.
Funniest story: At one show he went flying out on his go out for Directed Jumping. When I told him to sit, he spun around to sit but his rear end kept going and he ended up in a flat-out down. Both the judge and I had to work hard not to laugh. I always say these special dogs make the obedience journey such fun. Thank you Scooter for making me look good.

3-TOD.jpg#3 GMOTCh. Riveron’s Caesar SH, WCX
Retriever (Labrador)
Owners: Heather Watt & Kevin Ross | Handler: Heather Watt
Most memorable trial: Our most memorable win was our last GMOTCh. leg. This was the furthest from home that we had travelled and I only knew a handful of the competitors. We made it through the Open sits and had a high enough score for a GMOTCh. leg, but still needed to complete the Utility routine. When it was our turn, I was nervous and Caesar’s energy was down a little. In our first exercise we had a no finish. We managed to shake it off and put in a good enough performance to complete our title.
Funniest story: The most amusing story was probably when we travelled to Toronto for another trial. Caesar had already NQ’d in Open but we had put in a good Utility routine. Before announcing the scores, the judge asked if this was anything special for anyone. I said something along the lines of “No, we didn’t get what I was looking for.” She gave me a funny look, handed out the scores and then proceeded to award us the HIT. 2015 was a long journey, full of ups and downs, with many people cheering me on and helping me get past the various hurdles. I couldn’t have done it without them.

4-TOD.JPG#4 GMOTCh. Sunfire Spirit Of The Wind Hila
Retriever (Golden)
Owner/Handler: Micheline Cote
Most memorable trials: At the Lakeshore Dog Training Association in April 2015, we earned two perfect 200 scores in Open B during same weekend. She also earned her GMOTCh in 2015.

5-TOD.jpg#5 GMOTCh. Taygold’s Brawlroom Dancer RE, WCI
Retriever (Golden)
Owners: Ellie Beals & David Skinner | Handler: Ellie Beals
Frac’s most noteworthy characteristic is that he has been the happiest sentient being I’ve ever known and my greatest accomplishment is that nothing I’ve done has ever put a dent in that incredible good nature.
Most memorable trials: We hit an important milestone in June at Kingston, when Fracas won his 100th HIT – with a performance that demonstrated that even a very experienced obedience dog, who is also an intact male in an outdoor venue with females in season lurking, still takes a lot of handling.  It felt like I kept his nose out of the grass by sheer force of will.  My handling style was in no way dulcet. I had to call upon my rather assertive competition alter ego.  Coming out of the ring, I was exhausted, and felt we had both well-earned that 100th HIT!
Another favourite moment was when in the last trial of the season, I knew Frac had nailed an awesome performance.  Moments later, one of our students (Susan Roberts, with her boy Baron) put in a similarly awesome performance.  We both earned 199s, and in the run-off for the class and the HIT, Frac and I lost.  It was so lovely to feel that good about losing!

6-TOD.jpg#6 GMOTCh. Taygold’s Gyro Scope It Out RE, WC
Retriever (Golden)
Owners: Ellie Beals & David Skinner | Handler: David Skinner
My canine partner Gyro can best be described as one "cool" dude.  He is a wonderful example of the old adage: “The dog you get will often be the dog you need.”  His calm, confident, happy and unflappable temperament has been the perfect antidote to my previously habitual and crippling ring nerves.  Able to mentally accelerate from 0 to 60 in nothing flat, it is amazing to see him often quietly snoozing at the ring gate and then suddenly morph into his “workface” the instant we begin to show.
Having campaigned for a GMOTCh. and a second place in the overall obedience rankings for 2014, we have taken it relatively easy during 2015 with the more modest goals of staying in the Top 10 and continuing to have fun together. Regardless of what I ask of him, Gyro has been a willing, enthusiastic and consistent performer who always brings a great attitude into both training and the ring.  What a partner! What a teacher! What a privilege!
7-TOD-Bund-Imaging.jpg#7 MOTCh. B&B Boss NP, IP, RE, AgN, AgNJ
Border Collie
Owner/Handler: Carole Vanier
Funniest story: The funniest story or mishap was on the signal exercise in Utility. My dog's collar fell off as he was coming back to me.  He stopped and picked up his collar and finished the exercise with the collar in his mouth.

8-TOD.JPG#8 MOTCh. Cidel Danny Boy CGN
Welsh Corgi (Pembroke)
Owner/Handler: Barbara Hansen
Most memorable trials: At a four-trial weekend, we did eight runs (four in Open B and four in Utility B). Danny qualified in all eight entries, with six High in Class and three High in Trials.
After the trial, I walked him along ringside with his ribbons to take his picture. But, as we passed the open ring gate, smiling, he was pulling me to go into the ring again. There is no doubt in my mind that Danny enjoys obedience and being my partner, as much as I enjoy being his. For me, that was the most memorable part of the weekend.
Funniest story: Early in Danny’s Utility career, we were the first entry of the trial so we arrived in town very early to do warmups. Working Directed Jumping I sent him to a stanchion along the ringside.  No problem… he touched it and sat when told. However, in the ring, when I sent him, he ran quickly to the stanchion, stayed in the ring, but tried to poke his nose out to try and touch the outside of the post.  He did this both times. I must be very careful in teaching Danny what I want him to do. He may just do it!

9-TOD-Oslach-Photography.jpg#9 GMOTCh. Clitheroe R Commander N Chief RAE40
Retriever (Golden)
Owners: Charlie & Joan MacMillan | Handler: Charlie MacMillan
On December 6, 2015, with a 199 in Open B under Isobel Hutton at the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club of Canada, Fly'R retired from obedience. Over more than 10 years, it has been interesting, exciting and, in general, a joy to be part of Fly'R's career. Memorable moments, for 2015 was that final 199. Over the years, it was a Saturday in May 2011, when his GMOTCh. was completed under Marie-Johanne Cloutier, claiming a second in Open B, a first in Utility and High Combined. Later in Trial 2 under Peter Stewart he claimed a second High Combined with a second in Open B and a first in Utility. On Sunday, Fly'R went High In Trial under Ted Leslie. It was a very good weekend! Starting with that first CD leg, Fly'R performed over 100 Canadian HITS, 197 OTChX legs and 93 GMOTCh. legs from 24 different judges. Fly'R completed his obedience career, both CKC and AKC, having never NQ'd his Long Sits and Downs.

10-TOD.JPG#10 MOTCh. Mia V Falkenhein CGN, RE
German Shepherd Dog
Owner/Handler: Sharon Otto
Most memorable trials: Mia completed her OTCh. and OTChX in just eight months before she was even two years old.  With not many trials available for us, that was incredible! She finished her MOTCh. just after turning two years old! Every trial has been very memorable because of her accomplishments at such a young age and her desire for perfection. 
Funniest story: The funniest thing happened on the last day of trials. Working on our GMOTCh., we scored 194.5 in Open, so we knew we missed a leg.  Because we had a 10-hour drive home, I pulled from Utility and left.  I assumed that my Open score 194.5 wasn't great and would no way hold for High in Trial.  When I got home I checked my email, I discovered that we did win HIT.  All the consistent competitors had NQ'd.  What a nice surprise!

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