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A Closer Look at the IT4You Committee: Anne Saucier

October 18, 2016
Biography and profile
Dogs have always been a big part of my life, I grew up with them and they became my passion as an adult.  I have always cherished the dream of being a breeder, and in 2009, I welcomed my first Berger Picards, a lovely rare French herding breed.  Breeding requires dedication, passion, time and energy but it is so rewarding in many ways.
I have been a member of the CKC Communication Committee since last fall.  Following my nomination to this Committee, I was asked to join the IT4 You Committee to serve as a link between those two Committees.
I have worked mainly as an insurance claims adjuster and later on as an executive assistant in a few organizations.
I enjoy motorcycle riding as a passenger, though less often in recent years as I prefer summer litters.  Motorcycling on the country roads is a great escape.

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AccueilHome > Archived > Blog > What's in IT 4 You? > October 2016 > A Closer Look at the IT4You Committee: Anne Saucier