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A Closer Look at the IT4You Committee: Peter Laventhall-Wolfish

July 19, 2016
Peter Laventhall-Wolfish

As a fourth generation dog person, I am privileged to carry on a family, and personal passion. Born and raised in the dog show environment, I have been involved with dogs all my life, breeding and exhibiting Miniature and Standard Poodles, and Whippets.

I have been a CKC member since 1983 when I registered my first litter of Miniature Poodles. I enjoyPeterLaventhall.jpg my participation within the dog community, exhibiting, stewarding, and where ever opportunities present themselves. In 2010, I submitted my application for my CKC judging license.

In 2015, I was elected to the CKC Board of Directors. As a member of the board, I am privileged to represent our members in Zone 7, Central Ontario, and our membership as a whole by participating in the decisions that shape the future of our club and our sport. I am also the Chair of the IT4YOU Committee and Chair of the Strategic Planning Committee. I also serve as a member of the Cropping and Docking Committee and board liaison to the Breed Standards Committee and the Tracking Test Counsel.

Peter is a business professional with extensive sales, marketing and business management experience and a strong foundation of proven technical and analytical skills. Areas of expertise include strategic planning and execution, business development and customer relationship management. Proven ability to identify, understand and solve business challenges, deliver stakeholder value and achieve strategic business objectives. Highly organized and systematic with well-honed interpersonal skills and a team-oriented management style, paired with excellent oral and written communication skills.

  • 25+ years membership with the Canadian Kennel Club
  • Lifetime involvement with pedigree dogs
  • Breeding under my own kennel name since 1983
  • 15+ years experience in Business & Entrepreneurship
  • Masters Degree in Business Administration, Richard Ivey School of Business – London, Ontario
  • 10+ years experience in Technology
  • Bachelors Degree in Electrical Engineering, Ryerson University – Toronto, Ontario

IT4YOU Committee Role:
I bring 28-years of technical and business experience to my role as the CKC Board Liaison, and as the Chair of the IT4YOU committee. Our challenge is to look at the CKC’s business requirements, and what our members are asking for from the club, and to balance cost, risk and time-lines to deliver on these expectations. Our committee is responsible for drawing upon our industry knowledge and experience to provide advice and guidance to the CKC staff in its efforts to successfully deliver the new computer system. The IT4YOU project represents the single largest endeavor the CKC has undertaken, and will redefine the club, and the members’ experience for the future.

An important value to me is looking for opportunities to give back to the community. I am an avid supporter of Best friends – Meilleurs amis, a not-for-profit that provides emergency aid to those within our sport of purebred dogs who need assistance. I also enjoy supporting other charitable events, having shaved my head, and also competed 10km runs to raise funds in support of Childhood Cancer. In September 2016, I will be participating in a 200km bike ride to raise funds to support MS.


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AccueilHome > Archived > Blog > What's in IT 4 You? > July 2016 > A Closer Look at the IT4You Committee: Peter Laventhall-Wolfish