We are pleased to announce the launch of our new Advocacy page on the CKC website ...
The City of Toronto is seeking feedback from pet care industry professionals regarding potential new business licenses for pet establishments, to enhance animal welfare, reduce nuisance concerns, ...
Following our update last week, the MVMA held their Annual General Meeting on January 24th where their members voted in favour of amending the MVMA bylaws to prohibit performing “cosmetic” tail do...
The Ministry of the Solicitor General is seeking feedback from the public on potential regulations regarding the sale and transfer of dogs in Ontario, record-keeping requirements and potential exc...
We encourage those who are members of both CKC and MVMA to attend the MVMA AGM and consider our points below when casting their vote and when speaking at the AGM, should the opportunity arise ...
CKC continues to make progress on our Integrated Breed Health Program ...
We are pleased to provide the latest update regarding the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Dog Importation Rule.
We continue to advocate on behalf of our members and would like to provide an update on our advocacy activities over the past month ...
The Ministry encourages clubs and members to continue to send any questions related to dog train and trial areas by email to [email protected] ...
By watching, you get a behind-the-scenes look at discussions with industry experts, innovative topics, and insights that matter directly to CKC and our members ...
To ensure that your concerns are well represented, we invite you to share your experiences regarding these regulations via a survey below by December 9, 2024 ...
To ensure that your concerns are well represented, we invite you to share your experiences regarding these regulations via a survey below by November 29, 2024 ...
We have outlined our latest efforts regarding the steps taken by CKC in the last few weeks ...
Survey Results Re: Cropping, Docking and Dewclaw Removal ...
The following amendments to the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997 and associated regulations are effective as of October 1 ...
If you were unable to attend the June member engagement session or have additional input you would like to provide, we invite you to take the following survey to have your say on this important sub...
Please join the Brachycephalic Breeds Advocacy Committee on Wednesday, August 14, for an update on the respiratory clinics to date and upcoming initiatives to support brachycephalic breeds and all ...
We continue to advocate on your behalf regarding the CDC dog importation rule regarding a 6-month minimum age for dogs crossing into the U.S. ...
We’re pleased to provide you with the latest update regarding the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Dog Importation Rule effective August 1, 2024 ...
We have been busy advocating on your behalf over the last few months and would like to provide an update on activities underway to support CKC members and the health and well-being of purebred dogs...
We invite you to join us on Wednesday, June 5, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. EDT for an information and engagement session regarding potential changes related to tail docking, ear cropping, dewclaw removal, a...
CKC continues to work on your behalf to ensure that responsible breeders are not unduly burdened by select provisions in Ontario Bill 159, Preventing Unethical Puppy Sales Act (PUPS Act), 2023 ...
Since we learned that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated its dog importation regulation, effective August 1, 2024, we have been working hard to advocate on your behal...
To protect the health and safety of people and animals and prevent the reintroduction and spread of dog-maintained rabies virus variant (DMRVV) in the United States, the U.S. Centers for Disease Co...
Thank you to all members who submitted questions and comments to CKC last month, in preparation for CKC’s participation in a webinar (French only) hosted by MAPAQ on December 19, regarding the upco...
OVC Researchers Conducting Survey Regarding Access to Veterinary Care in Canada ...
Following a public consultation on the proposed changes to the PEI Dog Owners Act in early 2022, the PEI Department of Agriculture and Land is seeking additional feedback from members on the update...
The Board of Directors of the Canadian Kennel Club encourages active participation from the general membership of the Club and requests submissions from interested parties to fill one (1) vacant po...