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A Closer Look at the IT4You Committee: Andrew McCallister

November 21, 2016
Professional Experience
I have 19 years of experience in project management and andrewM-1.jpghave managed and motivated an interdisciplinary team of business analysts, web developers, systems coordinators, reporting analysts and a web master. Key activities included the implementation of an ERP system, launch of a hosted online store, replacement of a corporate website, creating online communities, implementing a web marketing plan that was responsible for 1.5 million in revenue and management of a portfolio of twenty websites.
Continuous improvement is important and I have taken courses in Project Management, Usability, Internet Marketing, Analytics and Privacy.
Purebred dogs have been part of my life since the age of two when my parents purchased their first Westie and later two Dandie Dinmonts.  The Dandies warmed their way into my life and my wife and I are now proud owners of our second Dandie Chloe.
I have been a member of the Dandie Dinmont Terrier Club of Canada for fifteen years and I am the editor and designer of the yearly magazine Toplines. I take part in the biannual specialties where Chloe recently won second in her class. Preservation of a rare breed is important, and with the help of our breeder, Chloe will be bred.

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AccueilHome > Archived > Blog > What's in IT 4 You? > November 2016 > A Closer Look at the IT4You Committee: Andrew McCallister