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Photo: Alice Van Kempen
Photo: Alice Van Kempen

Miniature Smooth-Haired Dachshund


Like his larger relative, the Standard, this smaller version of the smooth-haired Dachshund was developed in Germany to rid farms of destructive pests. The Standard Dachsies were bred to hunt down badgers but the quarry for the Mini Dachshunds was the rabbit that destroyed the crops. The little dogs must be small enough to slip down rabbit holes and in their native land, they are classified according to girth, not weight. They can measure no more than 13.75 in (35 cm) around the body.


Affectionate, companionable and full of fun, the Mini Dachshund is a busy family pet and entertaining companion.

Activity Level

Though playful, the short legs of the Mini Dachshund guarantee maximum exercise per mile so the breed fits well into apartment or city dwellings.


The ideal weight of Miniature Dachshunds is 10 lb (4.5 kg) as stated in the breed standard.


The soft, sleek and glistening hair is often slightly wavy and is longer on the neck, the underside of the body, the ears, behind the legs and the underside of the tail.


Single-colour Dachshunds may be red or cream. Two-coloured Dachshunds include black, chocolate, grey or white, with rust-brown or yellow markings. Dappled Dachshunds are brown, grey or white in background with irregular patches of black, grey, brown, red or yellow. Striped Dachshunds are red or yellow with darker striping.


Regular brushing and combing will keep the coat neat and tangle-free.

Dachshund (teckel nain à poil court)


Le dachshund nain à poil court est la version plus petite du dachshund standard à poil court. On croit que le dachshund nain a été créé en croisant les plus petits spécimens du dachshund standard pour obtenir un chien suffisamment petit pour suivre les lièvres dans leur terrier.


Le dachshund nain à poil court est affectueux, enjoué et amusant, comme les autres variétés de sa race.

Niveau d’activité

Enjoué et divertissant, le dachshund nain à poil court aime aussi se coucher sur le canapé et se détendre en compagnie de son maître. Il est facile de satisfaire ses besoins en exercice.


Le poids idéal du dachshund nain est 10 lb (4,5 kg).


Le poil est court, épais, doux et luisant.


Le dachshund nain à poil court possède les mêmes couleurs que les autres variétés de la race : unicolore, bicolore, tachetée ou tigrée (bringée).


Toilettage minimal. Un brossage avec une brosse ou un gant de toilettage suffit, mais il ne faut surtout pas oublier ses ongles!

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