Canadian Kennel Club committees draw together experienced dog lovers with a high level of expertise from different regions of Canada who otherwise would not have a good way to share information and coordinate actions. An effective Canadian Kennel Club committee widens viewpoints and shares responsibilities to achieve their set goals. Joining a Canadian Kennel Club committee requires a three-year time commitment from those appointed. These committee recommend actions in matters that require their expertise, specialized knowledge and/or sound judgement.
The Canadian Kennel Club committees consists of Independent Standing Committees, Standing Committees, Standing Councils and Select Committees.
Independent Standing Committees
are appointed in accordance with the By-Laws and under the terms of reference in the Policy and Procedures Manual. Independent Standing Committees shall consist of members of the Club who are not members of the Board. They operate at arm’s length to the Board and their authority is independent of the Board.
For more information regarding Committees, please visit Chapter 10 - Committees, Councils and Appointments of the Policy and Procedures Manual.
Appeal Committee
The Appeal Committee assists CKC members who are subject to any decision of the Discipline Committee or the Executive Director under Section 15.1, or the Registration Committee, as they have the right to appeal that decision.
Staff Liaison: Kristi Schenk (Manager, Regulatory)
Committee Chair: Lionel Whittaker
William A. Miller, Ontario
Carolyn Ayre, Alberta
Judy Walsh, Newfoundland and Labrador
Audit Committee
The purpose of the Audit Committee is to assist the Board in discharging its fiduciary responsibilities, by acting in an advisory capacity, in areas of financial policy development, assessment of control environment, review of financials and appointment of external auditors.
Staff Liaison: Leah Maves CPA, CA (Director, Finance)
Committee Chair: TBD
Andrew Brenner, CPA, CA, Ontario
Melanie Towell CPA, CA, Ontario
Cyndi Egbert, CPA, Saskatchewan
Discipline Committee
The Discipline Committee has the authority: To warn, reprimand, expel, suspend, debar, terminate membership and levy reasonable costs of the investigation and the hearing, or take such other action as may be warranted in the circumstances, against any individual (member or non-member) or any dog club that is recognized by the CKC. To exclude any dog from shows, trials or events sanctioned by the CKC. To perform any such duties as may be provided for in these By-laws and CKC Policy.
Staff Liaison: Kristi Schenk, (Manager, Regulatory)
Committee Chair: Robert Bradbury
Rachel Brower, Saskatchewan
Michael Catton, Ontario
Gilles Chaloux, Quebec
Linda St-Hilaire, Quebec
Registration Committee
The Registration Committee has the following authority:
Authorize registration of dogs and change of ownership of dogs where signatures or other information is unobtainable. Authorize registration of dogs not provided for elsewhere in these By-laws, special regulations or CKC policies, provided such authorization is always consistent with the provisions of the Act and the intent of these By-laws is upheld. Authorize that an Examining Committee, as the occasion may require, examine, and report on a dog for which application for registration has been received. Authorize issuance of duplicate registration certificates when the Registration Committee determines that the person disposing of a dog has failed to comply with the requirements of Section 29.1 of the By-laws.
Suspend registrations and transfers pending investigation of an alleged irregularity. Such suspension may, at the discretion of the Registration Committee, be extended to all records involving the dog or dogs in question. Cancel or prohibit the registration of any litter or dog in accordance with the provisions of Sections 27.9 or 28.12 of the By-laws.
Staff Liaison: Priya Bunsee (Bilingual Registration Specialist)
Committee Chair: Tannis Postma
Barbara Arndt, Ontario
Nancy Ménard
-Cheng, Quebec
Dann Wilson, Ontario
Lauren Goebel, British Columbia
Standing Committees
can consist of Board members only or they may be a combination of Board members and lay members. The purpose of these committees is to assist in the work of the Board. They operate within their specified terms of reference and report back to the Board on a regular and timely basis. Unless specifically authorized by the By-laws or the Board, Standing Committees do not have any autonomous authority.
For more information regarding Committees, please visit Chapter 10 - Committees, Councils and Appointments of the Policy and Procedures Manual.
Advocacy Committee
The Advocacy Committee’s mandate is to further the CKC’s position concerning animal advocacy issues and the role of purebred dogs, dogs, breeders, and dog ownership at the municipal, provincial, and national level, and to advise the Board on all such issues.
The Committee is comprised of one board liaison and up to ten CKC members representing each province who serve as CKC Legislative Liaisons. Eligibility to serve on the Advocacy Committee will require backgrounds in any of the following areas: legal, government lobbying/politics, marketing/communications, media/PR, animal welfare and experience working with volunteers on advocacy initiatives.
Staff Liaison: Sarah McDowell (Manager, Government & Stakeholder Relations)
Board Liaison: Ramona Bauer, Zone 4 Director
Committee Chair: Nancy McKenzie
Katherine Ball, Saskatchewan
Emily Gratton, Nova Scotia
Sharon MacArthur, Manitoba
Imelda McDonald, Newfoundland and Labrador
Devon Nutbeem, New Brunswick
Richard Paquette, Ontario
Laura Grandmont, Prince Edward Island
Marie-Josée Gallant, Quebec
April Perrin, British Columbia
Board Orientation & Education Committee
This committee is responsible for the development of an orientation and education program for members of the Board of Directors.
Staff Liaison: Tara Merrimen (Director of People and Culture)
Committee Chair: Tina Sandford
Tina Sandford, Zone 2 Director
Marc Ralsky, Zone 7 Director,
Jeff Cornett (Executive Director), Ontario
Breed Standards Committee
The Breed Standard Committee is responsible for reviewing and making recommendations to the CKC Board regarding any proposed changes to the Breed Standards, including those changes which are proposed by the respective national breed clubs.
Staff Liaison: Tracy Kent (Manager, Events)
Board Liaison: Tempest Deptuch, Zone 11 Director
Committee Chair: Joycelyne Gagne
Stephanie Horan, Nova Scotia
Susan Quesnel, British Columbia
Breeder Relations Committee
The Breeder Relations Committee is responsible for making recommendations to the Board in the development of policy guidelines and/or programs as authorized by the Board of Directors relating to breeders of purebred dogs.
This includes the development of a breeder education program, the development of appropriate standards, rules, and regulations for breeding and the development of an associated national breeder certification program.
Staff Liaison: John Atkinson (Director of Advocacy and Communications)
Board Liaison: Ramona Bauer, Zone 4 Director
Committee Chair: Stewart Danker
Stewart Dankner, Ontario
Trina Gallop, Manitoba
Glenda Newton, Quebec
Richard Paquette, Ontario
Alistair Sutherland, Ontario
Communications Committee
The Communications Committee is responsible for providing input on the communications strategic planning process as well as identifying the club’s communications needs and priorities through appropriate consultation. The Communications Committee also handles the delivery of communications periodically against the needs and/or expectations of the CKC membership.
Staff Liaison: John Atkinson (Director of Advocacy and Communications)
Board Liaison: Lee Anne Bateman, Zone 10 Director
Committee Chairs: Trina Gallop & Joanna Saun
Jean-Claude Surprenant, Quebec
Alistair Sutherland, Ontario
John Rowton, Washington, United States
Rosemary Young, Alberta
Event Officiating Committee
The Event Officiating Committee is responsible for making recommendations to the Board in the development of Policy Guidelines and/or Programs as authorized by the Board of Directors related to the training and accreditation of judges and event officials for all disciplines or as the Board may direct.
Staff Liaison: Tracy Kent (Manager, Events)
Board Liaison: Peter Scott, Zone 6 Director
Committee Chair: Heather Langfeld
Thomas Alexander, Manitoba
Darwin Boles, Ontario
Thora Brown, Ontario
Seanna O’Neill, Alberta
Executive Performance and Compensation Review Committee
The Executive Performance and Compensation Review Committee consists of the Chair of the Board, two Board Members and the Chair of the Audit Committee. The Committee discusses with the Executive the executive’s performance and the performance of the Club as it reflects the Executive’s performance and shall prepare a report of the discussions and any conclusions for the Board.
Committee Chair: Corinne Walker, Zone 8 Director
Lee Anne Bateman, Zone 10 Director
Melanie Towell, CPA, CA, Ontario
Marc Ralsky, Zone 7 Director
Genetics & Medical Committee
The Genetics and Medical Committee is responsible for making recommendations to the Board in the development of Policy, Guidelines and/or Programs as authorized by the Board of Directors related to canine genetics. This mandate will include but not be limited to the development of an advanced health registry. The Committee is also responsible for presenting recommendations to the Board of Directors in the development of policy, standards and guidelines relating to trends, advances and changes to canine medical procedures as they impact CKC breeders.
Staff Liaison: Kristi Schenk (Manager, Regulatory)
Board Liaison: Lee Anne Bateman (Zone 10 Director)
Committee Chair: Alistair Sutherland
Dr. Paul Eckford, PhD, Ontario
Dr. Oksana Moshynska, PhD, Saskatchewan
Dr. Roberta Parish, PhD, British Columbia
Dr. Meredith Walker, DVM, Ontario
IT Steering Committee
The Committee is responsible for advising, reviewing and approving IT strategic plans and overseeing major initiatives. The IT Steering Committee is a foundational practice for IT governance. Areas include: IT strategic review, IT service levels as well as IT availability, capacity and continuity management. Areas also include: information security, change management, release and deployment, incident management, access management and other areas as appropriate.
Staff Liaison: Andrew McCallister (Director, EBusiness)
Board Liaison: Sylvain Sirois, Zone 3 Director
Committee Chair: Andrew Ryall, Newfoundland and Labrador
Anthony Hartelaub, Ontario
Rometheis Wize, Ontario
Melanie Towell CPA, CA, Ontario
Legislation Committee
The Legislation Committee is responsible for all matters relating to the review and subsequent proposals for amendments to The By-laws, the Policy and Procedures Manual and those general provisions contained in the rulebooks for the various disciplines. Additionally, this committee is responsible for all matters relating to the amendment or development of municipal, provincial and federal legislation, which may affect purebred dogs. The Legislation Committee also is responsible for all matters relating to Codes of Ethics.
Staff Liaison: Kristi Schenk, Manager, Regulatory
Committee Chair: Lionel Whittaker
Lucy Bender, Discipline Committee Chair, Ontario
Denis Gros-Louis, Registration Committee Chair, Quebec
Peter Scott, Zone 6 Director
Robert Whitney, Zone 5 Director
Sylvain Sirois, Zone 3 Director
Jeff Cornett (Executive Director), Ontario
Rules of Eligibility (ROE) Committee
The Rules of Eligibility Committee is responsible for developing the terms of reference for the ROE project, working with breed clubs/spokespersons to draft rules of eligibility and analyzing templates for Board approval. The Rules of Eligibility Committee analyzes policy to ensure compliance with the Rules of Eligibility and the Animal Pedigree Act requirements. Additionally, this committee works with the Legislation Committee to bring work to date to the Board table prior to a Special or Regular Referendum.
Staff Liaison: Jodie O'Meara
(Supervisor, Registration)
Board Liaison: Tempest Deptuch, Zone 11 Director
Committee Chair: Thora Brown
Marnie Harrison, Alberta
Lisa Ricciotti, Ontario
Strategic Planning Committee
The Strategic Planning Committee is responsible for the ongoing development of long-range strategic planning for the Club, reporting regularly to the Board with respect to its deliberations, findings and recommendations.
Staff Liaison: Tara Merrimen (Director of People and Culture)
Committee Chair: Ramona Bauer, Zone 4 Director
Jeff Cornett (Executive Director), Ontario
Corinne Walker, Zone 8 Director (Ex-officio)
Melanie Towell, CPA, CA, Ontario
Marc Ralsky, Zone 7 Director
Valerie Bandas, Zone 9 Director
Select Committees
are appointed on an ad hoc basis to perform specific tasks. Upon adoption of its final report to the Board, a Select Committee would cease to exist.
For more information regarding Committees, please visit Chapter 10 - Committees, Councils and Appointments of the Policy and Procedures Manual.
Ad Hoc Committee - Iconic Breeder Judging Program
Staff Liaison: Tracy Kent (Manager, Events)
Val Bandas, Zone 9 Director
Marc Ralsky, Zone 7 Director
Tina Sandford, Zone 2 Director
Bob Whitney, Zone 5 Director
Heather Langfeld
Ad Hoc Committee - Owner/Handler Competitions
Staff Liaison: Krystal Mason (Supervisor, Events)
Ramona Bauer, Zone 4 Director
Marc Ralsky, Zone 7 Director
Bob Whitney, Zone 5 Director
Wayne Davidson, Zone 12 Director
Brachycephalic Breeds Advocacy Committee
The role of the Brachycephalic Breeds Advocacy Committee is to explore the brachycephalic landscape locally and internationally and highlight the important role of the breeder in optimizing the health and welfare of brachycephalic breeds.
Staff Liaison: Sarah McDowell (Manager, Government & Stakeholder Relations)
Board Liaison: Lee Anne Bateman (Zone 10 Director)
Committee Chair: Lee Anne Bateman (Zone 10 Director)
Mark Berryman, Ontario
Dr. Oksana Moshynska, PhD, Saskatchewan
Dr. Matthew Wittenrich, DVM, Ontario
Pat O'Keefe, Alberta
Lundi Blamey, Ontario
Dr. Meredith Walker, DVM, Ontario