Professionally, I am a Chartered Professional Accountant/Certified Management Accountant. I joined the Canadian Kennel Club in 2011. In 2012, I was appointed to the Canadian Kennel Club Audit Committee. I was appointed Chairman of the Audit Committee. I have had the Chairmanship of the Audit Committee

since 2012. I am serving my second 3 year term as a member of the Audit Committee.
IT4YOU Committee Role:
I represent the Audit Committee on the IT4YOU Committee. I bring 30 plus years internal audit experience to my role as a member of the IT4YOU Steering Committee. My role is one of general oversight, risk management, and financial advice/consultation throughout the research and implementation process of the IT4YOU project. In addition to my participation on the IT4YOU Committee, the IT4YOU Committee provides a report at the quarterly Audit Committee.
In my spare time, I have 2 interests – photography and clowning. Landscape and wildlife pictures are my favorite photographic subjects. I have been a member of the Khartum Shriners since 1993 – specifically the Khartum Komedians – the clown unit. I clown to help to support our philanthropy – Shriners Hospitals for Children. Our network of 22 hospitals throughout North American provides outstanding quality medical care to its patients at no cost.