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Top Show Dogs - Official 2015 Results

Meet Canada’s Top Show Dogs

1-TSD.jpg#1 - GCh. Lowdown Remys Girl V Ardenhout
Giant Schnauzer
Breeders: Janine Starink & Lisa Hawes | Owners: Linda Low, Janine Starink & Lisa Hawes | Handler: Janine Starink

Most memorable wins: In a year like this one, there are so many that meant so much to us, but I would have to say there are definitely two that stand out. First and foremost, winning the Alberta Kennel Club show not once, but twice! 800 dogs! WOW! That moved Abbey to the #1 spot, all breeds, where she manage to stay for the rest of year! Second would be in Colorado, where Abbey won the breed not once, but twice, on the American National weekend and then went on to win Best in Show over 1,500 dogs! Again WOW!

Funniest story: This has to be from Shannon Scheer, who handled her occasionally for me. The first time Shannon took Abbey home with her, I neglected to mention that Abbey is a Houdini and knows how to open most gates. Arriving late after a show, Shannon lets all the dogs into individual runs, while she goes to the kennel room to prepare their meals for the night. When she opens the kennel door, low and behold, ALL of her dogs are standing there, with Abbey in the middle wagging her tail! Abbey had let not only herself out but all the other dogs as well!

#2 - GCh. Claircreek Lusitano Oceano Atlantico2-TSD.jpg
Portuguese Water Dog
Breeders: Donna Gottdenker & Hugo Olivieira | Owner: Donna Gottdenker | Handler: Edgar Rojas

After achieving results in the show rings in Europe, including winning the Lisbon Puppy Winner, achieving the Portuguese Young hope (JE13) and finishing the Gibraltar Junior Championship, Donna decided to bring Oceano back to Canada. He finished his Canadian Championship very quickly from the Puppy Class winning Best Of Breed over Specials and placing in the Working Group. Donna then took him to the U.S. and finished him there to become one of the Top 20 PWDs of 2014. Edgar Rojas began handling Oceano in 2014 for six months and finished as Top PWD in Canada, #4 in the Working Group and #14 all breed, holding the Best in Show record in Canada for a PWD. It was then that we decided to campaign him in 2015.

Most memorable wins: Oceano’s journey of wonderful achievements included Group 1st in the Prestige Cluster in Chicago at the International Kennel Club, and he won his second AOM, over 140 Specials, at the 2015 PWDCA National Specialty, under judge Mr. William Shelton. He was to end 2015 with the fabulous record of 34 Best in Shows, making him the Top Best in Show-winning PWD in Canada and second most BIS winning PWD in the world behind his uncle Claircreek Impression De Matisse who had 238 BIS.

3-TSD.jpg#3 - GCh. Dawin In Hot Pursuit
Standard Poodle
Breeder/Owner: Linda Campbell | Handler: Sarah Drake

Most memorable wins: The most memorable weekend was his three Best in Shows at Erie Shores Kennel Club last June!

Funniest story: It’s hard to think of just one story because Daniel is funny all the time. He is such a jokester. We had a bit of a misadventure at Kars. I had just finished getting all the dogs into the van when someone’s tent came rolling across the field and smashed into mine during a really bad storm. I lost both my tents that day and had to buy more that night. It’s not a funny story, but…

#4 - GChX Eltin’s Unequivocal Contender PCD, RN4-TSD-1.jpg
Irish Setter
Breeder: Manette Jones | Owner/Handler: Pauline Taylor

Most memorable wins: Winning his first Best in Show and leaving a message for Manette, who promptly broke into tears when I did reach her. Of course his first national specialty BISS win and later BIS win under well-known Irish Setter person Margaret Jones; her comments solidifying my belief in his breed type and special qualities. His second specialty BISS win this past August in Ontario under Robert Vandiver (Irish Setter judge at Westminster 2014), who complimented our presentation and was thrilled I was an owner-handler as was he. Showing his many talents, after winning the group under Richard Lopaschuk, we changed leads and went into the obedience ring (my first time back in over 20 years) where Quinn took a High in Class in Novice B, and then went on to win BIS! Quinn always amazes me and keeps me on track.

Funniest story: My next to the last show of 2015, in Lethbridge, I could not understand the judge’s BIS ring pattern at all – honestly, it was blonde at its best – and he was so very funny we were all in stitches. I just lost it when he said, “Have you done this before?” D’uh, yep, once or twice.

5-TSD.jpg#5 - GChX Snowmist’s Wind N’Reigning CGN
Siberian Husky
Breeder: Kim Ramey-Leblanc | Owners: Dorothea & Ray Zilke | Handler: Jennifer McMullan Driessen

Most memorable wins: There are many personality traints one can relate about Sky. Topping the list is his innate desire to show! He never lets us down and totally enjoys his time in the ring with Jenn, even when the weather is unbearably hot! The most memorable wins would be his seven Best in Shows during the Island circuit in the midst of an August heatwave.

#6 - GChX Signature’s Harry Nile V Kridler6-TSD.jpg
German Shepherd Dog
Breeders: Joe & Leslie Beccia and Tari Kridler | Owners: Emily Burdon & Raul Olvera | Handler: Emily Burdon

Most memorable wins: Harry is actually the first dog I have ever had the pleasure of co-owning, which makes all the wins extra special! Some of our most memorable wins have to be tying the record for most BISs won by a German Shepherd in Canada. That win came under judge Virginia Lyne at the Arnprior Kennel Club in Ontario! A weekend later he broke that record under judge Ed Wild a day before my birthday at Hochelaga Kennel Club (a local show for me)! Another special moment would be winning Group 1st at the prestigious Purina National show held at Spruce Meadows in Alberta. Even though Harry didn’t win BIS, he was truly the crowd favourite.

Funniest story: Over the past couple of years I’ve had the privilege of mentoring junior handlers. Harry loves my assistants Justin Kaluski and Shannon Kaluski, BUT not as much as he loves me! Harry is known for voicing his opinion when I leave with another dog. Everybody knows Harry’s antics! At one of the outdoor shows Justin was giving Harry a bath before his ring time. I was showing in another ring in a totally separate field, when I hear "loose dog!" I turn around and see Harry circling the ring, trying to find the quickest way in – and Justin running behind!

7-TSD.jpg#7 - GCh. Marron’s Jimmy Choo
Breeders/Owners: Mary Ronald & Lori Chrusciel | Handler: Terry Bernier

Most memorable win: Our most memorable win was at the Evelyn Kenny Kennel Club show. The skies opened up and there was thunder and lightning. Jimmy never faltered at all and gave one of his best performances all year. He won Best in Show that night and it was the only time the whole ‘team’ was present to watch him in the ring.

Funniest story: Jimmy was a great traveller and spent almost every night on my hotel room bed with his partner in crime, a Sheltie named Ice, that I was also showing. One night in Kingston, I had the dogs on the bed and we had settled in for the night. I was awoken around three a.m. by a loud bang. Not really being too awake at the moment I didn’t even realize I was on the floor. Jimmy decided he needed more room and had pushed me off the bed to make more room for himself. He always wanted to be so close to me in the hotel except for this one particular night. LOL

#8 - GCh. Copperridge’s Win Advisory8-TSD-Todd-Foley.jpg
Australian Shepherd
Breeders: John & Sheree Miller | Owners: Peng Jiang & Howard Fanh | Handler: Alison Foley, CPHA

In September of 2014 the team of Peng Jiang, Howard Fanh and Allison Foley was formed. We were indeed lucky enough to acquire the young blue merle Australian Shepherd “Chandler.” Breeders John and Sheree Miller described Chandler to a “T” and thought the only thing that might hold him back was the fact that he “held his heart on his sleeve” and wasn’t in love with the idea of being a show dog.

When Chandler arrived, it was love at first sight. He settled into the routine easily with Allison and her team and quickly decided he LOVED to show! At his first dog show on Canadian soil, he went Best in Show from the classes under respected judge Mr. Ray Smith. And so his story began. With limited showing in the fall of 2014, he won three all-breed Best in Shows and became Canada’s #1 Aussie. In 2015, Chandler won an unprecedented 81 Herding Group 1sts and 27 all-breed Best in Shows, making him Canada’s #1 Australian Shepherd, #2 Herding Dog and #8 all breeds. We believe Chandler has won more BISs than any other Aussie.

9-TSD.jpg#9 - GCh. Auriga Peter Parker
Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen
Breeders: Wendy Doherty, Gavin & Sara Robertson | Owners: Martin & Wendy Doherty and Shawn & Nadeen Bennett | Handler: William Alexander

We could not have asked for more from Peter Parker this year. Our goal for 2015 was to obtain his Canadian championship and if we could, his American championship. He well surpassed our expectations! In April of 2015 Peter Parker was shown for the first time as an adult, with his handler William, he was awarded Reserve Best in Show. The second weekend out he was awarded Best in Show. Throughout 2015 Peter Parker obtained 15 BISs, 4 RBISs, 57 Group 1sts and 22 other group placements in Canada and ended the year as Canada’s #9 Dog all breeds and Top Hound. He obtained his American championship undefeated in the classes and all but once won the Breed from the classes over American Specials. This included a large breed win from the classes over numerous top winning PBGVs in the U.S. at the prestigious Morris & Essex Kennel Club.

#10 - GCh. Foxheart’s Rough And Ready10-TSD.jpg
Wire Fox Terrier
Breeders/Owners: Bill & Jennifer Ashburn | Handler: Doug Belter

Shelton has had something special from the time he was whelped. His very first show was at Terrier Breeders as a six-month-old puppy where he went Best Puppy in Specialty owner-handled. He quickly finished his Canadian and American championships and Grand championships by the time he was a year old handled by his owners, Hailey Griffith and Doug Belter. Shelton spent the next year being shown occasionally in Canada and the U.S. by both his owners and Hailey Griffith. In 2015 it was decided to campaign Shelton with Doug Belter. Shelton and Doug were an amazing team, finishing the year winning two of the three BISs at Elora Gorge. It was a memorable year.