Club members, staff and leadership are demanding improvements to the way we conduct business.
Our 30 year old technology and business processes need to be updated!
IT4You Project has been approved by the CKC Board and is now underway to make this a reality.
We are talking with internal and external stakeholders to collect their insights and opinions on requirements in order to guide these improvements. We invite you to share your feedback by completing the
Member Survey.
Project Guidelines and Hot Buttons have been developed based on what we have already learned from CKC stakeholders. We want to ensure that our efforts connect back to these ideals:
IT4You Guiding Principles
This project must serve members faster by....
- Enabling and Encouraging User Self-service
- Providing Timely Access to Relevant Information
- Reducing Bureaucracy
- Reducing Administrative Costs
- Grow the Business
IT4You Project Hot Buttons
- Improve Member focus.
- Faster Registration processing.
- Faster “show results”.
- Expand on-line transaction capabilities.
- Maximize “paperless transactions”.
- Improve Management Reporting.
- Leverage an integrated and accurate system database.
If you have any questions or comments about the IT4You project please email them to:
[email protected]
Thank you for your input!