On October 26th, 2019, Junior Handlers from across Canada will participate in the CKC Junior Handling National Championships hosted by the Belleville & District Kennel Club in Belleville, Ontario. Juniors will compete for the title of Best Overall Junior of 2018 in their discipline, Conformation or Obedience. In addition, the Conformation winner will have the chance to represent Canada at Crufts in England in March 2020.
Please meet the talented and dedicated Junior Handling Provincial Zone Winners that are competing in this year’s National.
Representing Zone 1A, Newfoundland:
Madison Spry
Madison Spry is 16 years old and has been participating in Junior Handling for the past 4 years. Her love for the sport started in the summer of 2015 when she got her English Bulldog, Mannie.
“Junior Handling has taught me so much about myself and the world of dogs. At first, I was so shy and didn’t have any confidence but I can proudly say I now know who I am and I’m not as shy around others.”
Representing Zone 1B, Nova Scotia:
Emily MacKay
Emily MacKay is 16 years old and got her first family dog in 2014, an Australian Shepherd named Shyrah.
“This is my second year at Nationals. I am truly honored to have this amazing opportunity of representing my province again. I would not be here today if it wasn't for the support and encouragement of many seasoned dog handlers. I wish everyone the best of luck in Belleville!”
Representing Zone 2, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island:
Madison Leblanc
Madison LeBlanc is 11 years old and started Junior Handling at the age of 7 where she set her sights on a Best In Show ribbon. From that point on, she fell in love with the sport.
“I have been working towards that dream and earlier this year I came close when showing Fancy, a Golden Retriever to a Reserve Best in Show. In that same weekend, I qualified for the Junior Nationals with the same dog.”

Representing Zone 3, Quebec:
Emmanuelle Lepitre
Emmanuelle Lepitre is 15 years and started showing her Bernese Mountain Dogs at the age of 5, which is how her passion started.
“At home, dogs are very present in my life, in fact I live with my wonderful mother who breeds Berners. She has taught me to groom and train the dogs as well as whelp litters and take care of the puppies. I grew up around dogs, we can even go as far as to say I was born between 2 litters.”
Representing Zone 4A, Ontario North (East):
Isaac Clark
Isaac Clark primarily works with his Cairn Terrier, Stampy in Junior Handling but has also had the privilege of handling a variety of breeds, spanning every group except Non Sporting, which is next on the list! Isaac shows dogs whenever he can, steadily expanding his skills. He makes a concentrated effort to learn and improve with every competition.
Representing Zone 4B, Ontario North (West):
Faith Cordeiro
Faith Cordeiro is an 18-year old Visual Arts student and a Toxicologist Technician.
“My rock A.K.A. my Grandmother is the person who invited me to join the dog world and I can say that it was the best decision I have ever made. I was so terrified of people and interacting with them that it was extremely hard to go out and do things. The dog world has completely brought me out of my shell and I owe everything to everyone who has supported me through the years.”
Representing Zone 5, Ontario East:
Brayden Broadhurst
Brayden Broadhurst is 15 years old and attended his first dog show when he was one week old.
“In my eyes to be a great handler is to bond with each dog individually and ensure that their needs are first. In the end, it's about the animal. My family taught me to protect each and every dog in my care and that is what I hope our fancy will continue to do.”
Representing Zone 6, Ontario West:
Abbey Mahn
Abbey Mahn is 12 years old and lives with her Flat-Coated Retriever, Schipperke, cat and bunny.
“I began showing in Junior Handling with my grandmother’s Schipperke Button in the PeeWee class at age 4. I have since continued to show often and have been fortunate to handle a number of different breeds including Schipperkes, Flat-Coated Retrievers, Miniature Dachshund, Shetland Sheepdogs, a Whippet and Irish Red and White Setters.”
Representing Zone 7, Ontario Central:
Caroline Holicka
Caroline Holicka is excited to represent Zone 7 in her home province of Ontario. This is something she never would have imagined when she started showing at age seven.
“My entire experience as a Junior Handler has been great, and in the last 10 years, I’ve learned many things. It took me a long time, however, to get the whole point of Juniors, and that is not just to show. It is about learning to appreciate every dog for its unique characteristics, and to present it with grace and pride.”
Representing Zone 8, Manitoba:
Sarah McIntyre
Sarah McIntyre has a love for the dog show world and attributes her successes to the guidance from others.
"I’ve been involved in dog shows for a while now and it has developed into a huge passion of mine that I’d like to keep going as long as I can. At a regular show, you can usually find me running around, helping others out with whatever they may need."
Representing Zone 10, Alberta, NWT and Nunavut:
Catarina Hill
Catarina Hill was born in Calgary, Alberta and although she was not born into the purebred Dog Fancy, her family has always had dogs. As she got older, her involvement in the sport grew, championing and piloting various breeds to group firsts, and even winning Best In Show with an Irish Terrier.
Representing Zone 11, British Columbia South West:
Melanie Kirk
Melanie Kirk is 17 years old and was introduced to showing dogs at the age of 12.
“I was introduced to showing dogs when I was 12 years old. That was when I got my first dog, a Miniature Pinscher. Since then, I have been eager to learn more about the history of each dog breed and show more dogs.”
Representing Zone 12, British Columbia Interior and Yukon:
Kayla Penney
Kayla Penney is in grade 10 and on weekends she enjoys attending all the local shows in her area. At age 10, Kayla started showing her grandpa's Golden Retriever Murphy, and it didn't take long for her to love the sport. For the first couple of years, she travelled to shows with her grandparents and soon wanted her own dog to show. She then spent time saving money to buy her own dog. Kayla decided on a Portuguese Water Dog and named him Kash.
Representing Zone 1B, Nova Scotia:
Bente van Bielsen
Bente van Bilsen is 14 years old and in grade 10.
“I always wanted a dog and when my family moved to Nova Scotia we got a Nova Scotia Duck Toller named Belka. When we got Belka I got interested in dog sports and I have been working with him in Rally Obedience, Agility and now also in Obedience.”
Representing Zone 4A, Ontario North (East):
Sarah-Lynn Lockwood
Sarah-Lynn Lockwood is 17 years old and in her final year of high school. She has been showing dogs for four years with two out of the four years competing in Obedience.
“I have been lucky enough to have gone to Zones twice and this is my second time being invited to Nationals. My goal in dog showing is to train my German Short-Haired Pointer in Obedience, Confirmation, Rally and upland field work.”
Representing Zone 6, Ontario West:
Amanda Mitchell
Amanda Mitchell is 18 years old and from London, Ontario.
“My love for animals, especially dogs, is one of the reason that I got into dog showing. I have been showing seriously for the past three years, as I got my own dog, in both Obedience and Conformation. I got into showing dogs because of my Mom. She is a member of the London Canine Association and I have been visiting her at the London shows since I can remember.”
Representing Zone 10, Alberta, NWT and Nunavut:
Chantal Ratté
Chantal Ratté is 18 years old and lives in the country.
“This is my second time at the Junior Handling Nationals and I am very excited to be here! Junior Handling has given me many great memories, and has provided opportunities to see other gorgeous provinces and make new friends.”
The Canadian Kennel Club and all its members would like to wish all the Junior Handling Zone Finalists the best of luck in competing at the 2019 CKC Junior Handling National Championships.