Legendary Canadian Dog returns to Manhattan.
The most decorated dog in Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show history lives in Caldeon, Ontario with his breeder Sharon Robertson. Last February, American Eskimo Dog Grand Champion Nuuktok’s Atka Inukshuk aka Inuk set a 142 year Westminster record being the first of any breed to have 9 Best of Breed wins. The previous record of 8 Best of Breed wins was formerly held by Akita CH
Tobe's Return of the Jedai. The 11-year-old white beauty is headed back to the Big Apple with hopes of scoring one more before he officially retires.
Sharon Robertson was introduced to the American Eskimo Dog in 1985 when her son brought a puppy home. His name was AJ and became Sharon’s companion and apart from a rescue she took in, American Eskimos have been her breed of choice since. Sharon began breeding these lovable dogs from the Non-Sporting Group under the Nuuktok name in 2004.
Inuk was born on June 20
th, 2007 and was special from the start. He came from Sharon’s third litter.
“From about 4 weeks of age there was something about Inuk that stood out. Each time I looked into the whelping box my eye always hit him”. Inuk has always been full of life, full of himself and a real handful.

Immediately Inuk did well in the ring in the states, but because the American Eskimo was a newly recognized breed here in Canada (2006), it took judges up here a bit more time to recognize the wonderful qualities he brings to the ring.
Inuk list of wins with his handler and co-owner Graeme Burdon is beyond impressive. Not only has he won big and often here in Canada, Inuk is the only Canadian-bred American Eskimo Dog that has achieved multiple Best in Shows at American Kennel Club shows. He is also the only American Eskimo Dog in Canada to win multiple Best in Show wins at Canadian Kennel Club shows. Inuk is the only American Eskimo Dog to have achieved a Canadian Grand Champion Excellent to date and was the first Platinum level Grand Champion. This stunning boy has been the number one American Eskimo in Canada for ten consecutive years and has been the Top in this breed south of the board several times as well.

On top of winning Best of Breed 9 times at the Garden, Inuk earned a Group 4
th at the 2015 under Judge Shirley Limoges. At home, Inuk is a much loved pet who loves chasing rabbits, treats and is never more than three feet away from Sharon. When asked what Team Inuk hopes they will accomplish this year that the 143 annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show, Sharon says “His accomplishments have far exceeded what I ever thought possible. This year we are going to experience Westminster again, and hopefully he’ll cement a 10
th BOB win, but no matter the outcome, I’m taking the best dog home with me.”
Even at the age of 11 and a half, Inuk has aged incredibly well and continues to represent his breed beautifully. He remains competitive at this age, still defeating dogs younger than him consistently and the quality of the American Eskimo Dog breed has advanced exponentially since Inuk was born.
We will be cheering for you ringside Inuk! Best of luck beautiful boy!