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Westminster Wrap Up

February 27, 2019
Remembering the Canadians that wowed at the 143rd Annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show 

Another Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show has come and gone. There is so much to see and do during Westminster week:  from the Masters Agility Championship to the two days of the Conformation Show, not to mention all the friends from all over the world you want to catch up with. As you arrive in New York City and look ahead at Westminster week, it seems long, but always passes in the blink of an eye. 

There’s an undeniable bond that happens when we Canadians get together to show at Westminster. We are all on one team and a win for any Canadian dog feels like a win for all Canadian dogs. Here are some great Canadian dogs that made Westminster 2019 so memorable.

Best of Breed Winners!
Of the approximately 2,800 dogs that were entered at this year’s show, 103 were from Canada. 11* Canadian-bred and Canadian-owned dogs took Best of Breed.

One of the first big wins by a Canadian Dog at Westminster this year was by a Spanish Water Dog, Win: CH Zorrazo Xplorer PT. Hudson is owned by Marnie Harrison and his breeder is Marika Fredrikson.

Collie.JPGA Canadian Rough Collie took Breed this year at Westminster. GCHG CH Sylvan Argent Hollywood And Vine. This gorgeous girl goes by Marilyn outside the ring and is proudly owned by her breeders Connie DuBois and Dr Cindi Bossart as well as Jennifer Mosing, Earl Liverance and S Klaver.

(photo credit: Wesminster Kennel Club)

I am deeply saddened to report that this stunning Collie is no longer with us.  The Tuesday after Marilyn’s big win, after returning from a walk, she did not jump on the bed as she normally did. Her team noticed her breathing was heavy and her gums were pale.  She was rushed to the Animal Medical Center in NYC, where Dr. Bossart had previously worked.  In the Emergency Service it was discovered Marilyn’s oxygen was low and she was immediately treated.  When testing was completed it was realized that she had a thromboembolism in the lungs.  She passed within two hours. My thoughts are with all who loved Marilyn  at this incredibly difficult time.


Handsome Tam aka GCHP CH Gwencalon's Tam O'Shanter not only won the Beagle (Over 13 In. But Not Exceeding 15 In.) breed, but also took Group 3rd on Monday night under Judge Pat Trotter! Congratulations to breeders/owners Kathleen and William Friend as well as handler Doug Belter.

(photo credit: Yaunna Sommersby)

Duck-Toller-1-1.jpgHow fitting was it to see a Canadian owned Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever win Breed at Westminster? Congratulations GChB Hawks Nest Piper Arche! Archer’s  breeders are Rochelle and Carolyn Kurth  and he is owned by Jessica Daltrey and Rochelle Kurth. Jessica Daltrey on her experience at Westminster this year: “The crowds, the variety of beautiful dogs, and the intensity of just being there was just amazing. It's every dog lovers dream to be there, and to watch your own dog win Breed was just unimaginable. I had a front row seat to live video the breed judging so my Facebook friends could follow, the amount of cheering and support Archer got from friends and family was just so heartwarming, I had no idea how many people were rooting for him and got witness his big win!” 

(photo credit: Tracy Gutmanis)
Buhund-BOB-1-1.jpgWasn’t it fantastic it to see Canadian Norwegian Buhund Ragnar make the cut in the Herding Group? GCHB CH Tsarshadows Ragnar Lodbrok  is owned by his breeder Dawne Deeley  and was beautifully handled by Doug Belter.   
Gordon Setter GChB CH Bran Linn Amul won Best of Breed. This girl also goes by Maddie and really drew a crowd at the benching area in the Piers! She is proudly owned by her breeders Nikki Maounis, Candice Bell and Jerold Bell D.V.M. She was handled by Canada’s Will Alexander.

I was lucky enough to catch Zola aka GCH CH Bulligomingo-Omega's Paella, the Miniature Bull Terrier Best of Breed winner on her way out the door of the Piers en route to the Garden. She was wearing an “I heart NYC” jacket and smiled right at me. What a gorgeous girl! Congratulations to owners Terry Moffitt, Meghan Barnes, David Moffitt and Stuart Cairns. Zola’s breeder is Kimberly Benoliel.

(photo credit: Yaunna Sommersby)

 It was such a thrill to see Stan the Staffordshire Bull Terrier and Gertie the Dogue de Bordeaux take Best of Breed for the second time. It always thrills me to see my friends live on television at the Garden.

Stan aka GCHS CH Lackyle Bairille Dubailt is a gorgeous Staffordshire Bull Terrier with an affectionate personality to match! He was bred by James Byrnes. Stan is owned by Robert Gilbert and his handler Emily Burdon. After winning Breed again at Westminster, Emily told me “I’m just so honoured to have won Best of Breed with Stan the man at Westminster for the second year in a row! Stan is the ultimate showman and an ambassador for the breed!”

Gertie.jpgI cannot describe how special it was so see Peter, Tracey and Sarah Muth all together in the ring at Piers 94 on Tuesday morning showing their Dogue de Bordeaux. Their dedication to the breed is really a family affair. Tracey took Best of Breed with Gertie aka GCH CH ChateauRouge's Va Va Va Voom. “When it came down to the cut and the judge kept looking back at me, I knew there might be was a chance I would receive some acknowledgement, but never in my wildest dreams did I think he would point at me and send me to the front of the line. The minute he pointed at me and said “Best of Breed” I actually thought I was going to pass out! I started to cry and I felt numb. Has always been my dream to win Best of Breed with myself at the end of the leash.” 

(photo credit: Yaunna Sommersby)

Inuk.jpgInuk breaks his own record!
This Canadian-bred American Eskimo Dog, GCHX
GCHP Nuuktok's Atka Inukshuk aka Inuk was already the most decorated dog in Westminster history with 9 Best of Breed wins at the big show. Inuk and his handler Graeme Burdon went on to break his own record and took home his 10th Westminster Best of Breed Win! It was incredible to be there standing beside Inuk’s breeder and owner Sharon  Robertson as we witnessed a dog accomplish something that very well may never be done again!
 “Putting into words how I felt when Inuk won breed for the 10th time is really very difficult. I watched Graeme show him, watched Inuk move around the ring and thought how much Inuk loved to show, to stand in the that ring with such a presence. As Mr. Reynolds pulled him out first and continued with his picks, my only thought was “point to him, point to him, make it official!” When he did, there were a few minutes of disbelief. Had my dog has just broken his own record? A record that will probably never be broken? So many thoughts were running through my head. I wanted to jump up and down and scream “Thank you! Thank you!” I will be eternally grateful for all Graeme has accomplished with this extraordinary dog. We are back home now, where Inuk follows me around and sleeps on the pillow beside me, and probably dreams of another show. I would like to thank all of you that have supported and believed in this dog. I would like to thank so many, who, over Inuk’s career have provided us with overwhelming support, too many to name individually. I would like each and every person who wished us well, cheered for us and congratulated us to know that their support has meant the world to me.” Sharon Robertson.

Baby-Lars.jpgBest in Group
The first Canadian Best of Breed win at Westminster this year was the Bouvier des Flandres. Well known Breeder-Owner-Handler Elaine Paquette and Baby Lars aka GCH Quiche's Major League took the Breed on Monday morning and went on to take Group that night under Judge   Peggy Beisel-McIlwaine of Ann Arbor, MI. I spoke with Elaine after the Group win on Monday night. She was with her sister (fellow breeder of Quiche Bouviers Louise Paquette) and co-owner Juliana Garrison. Elaine was thrilled and told me she had planned on going home the next day so she had to extend her stay for Best in Show!

(photo credit: Yaunna Sommersby)

* The Canadian brags are Canadian-bred dogs (some live in the US) and Canadian-owned dogs. Only one dog is American-bred and owned, and that’s Maddie the Gordon Setter. Since she campaigned all year with Will, I included her. Same with Marilyn the Rough Collie. She was bred in Florida, but shown very successfully in Canada last year.

Thank you!
I want to give a big shout out to all the Canadians at Westminster who display such fantastic sportsmanship at this famous show. Westminster is hectic, but there are constant moments where you catch the fancy sharing moments (and tears) of joy, hugs, high fives and congratulations.
 Canadian coverage at Westminster would not be possible without the dedication and expertise of Patty Milton. Thanks to the members who sent their photos in for this blog. I still need to put away my suitcase, but am already looking forward to next year’s show.


In case you missed any of the excitement ‘live’ on the CKC’s social-media platforms, here are the Canadian wins at the breed level (to AOM):
Sporting Group Cocker Spaniel (Black) Am. GChG CH Mar-K’s Sunrise At Midnight, Select Dog (Breeders Michelle Mitchell, Marlene Ness & Mark Ragusa; owners Jeffrey Hanlin Jr., Mark Ragusa & Marlene Ness; handler Marlene Ness). English Setters Can. GCh. & Am. GChB Sevenoaks Lady Penelope, Select Bitch (breeders Hilary Oaks, Sabrina Oaks & William Potts; owners Sandra Nordstrom & Sabrina Oaks; handler Adam Bernardin) and Am. Ch. Lentigo’s Saltcreek Teal, Award of Merit (breeder Lenora Barber; owners Peter Ziliotto & Barry Barbant; handler Hailey Griffith). Golden Retriever Am. GCh. Verdoro’s Overcoming Obstacles, Select Bitch (breeder Ann Greenbank; owners Ann Greenbank & Michael Faulkner; handler Ann Greenbank). Gordon Setter Can. GCh. & Am. GChB Bran Linn Amulet, Best of Breed (breeder/owners Nikki Maounis, Candice Bell & Jerold Bell D.V.M.; handler Will Alexander). Irish Red & White Setter Can. GCh. & Am. Ch. Macneall Red And White Shadow Dog, Award of Merit (breeders Robert & Beata Gnyp and Judyta Gnyp-Nosal; owners Jennifer Mullowney & Greg Snyder; handler Emily Burdon). Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers Can. Ch. & Am. GChB Hawks Nest Piper Archer CGN, BN, RN, CGC, Best of Breed (breeders Rochelle Kurth & Carolyn Kurth; owners Jessica Daltrey & Rochelle Kurth), Can. GCh. & Am. Ch. Roaneden’s Dream Catcher, Award of Merit (breeder Christine Jones; owners Stephanie Chaloux, Simon Robin & C. Jones) and Can. GCh. & Am. Ch. Katyra’s Song Of Ice And Fire, Award of Merit (breeder Kathy Adorjan; owners Ashley Martins & Kathy Adorjan). Pointers Can. GCh. & Am. GCh. Seasyde I Love Lucy, Best of Opposite (breeders Helyne Meideros, Jim Douthit & Lisa Canfield; owners Brittany Carella, Jim Douthit & Helyne Medeiros; handler Brittany Carella) and Can. GChX & Am. GChB Brackenmoor Somethingroyal JH, FDJ, Select Bitch (breeder/owner/handler Julie Pullan). Wire-haired Vizsla Ch. Zoldmali Spuri, Best of Opposite Sex (breeder Zsofia Miczek; owner Anton Sagh).
Hound Group: Beagle (15 in) Am. GChB Foxtail’s Race To The Finish, Select Dog (breeders/owners Sheri Berndt-Smith & Darrell Smith; handler Will Alexander). Norwegian Elkhound Can. GCh. & Am. GChB Daggarwoods Bjorn 2B A Star, Select Bitch (breeders Nicole Casavechia & Kevin Richard; owners Nicole Casavechia, Kevin Richard & JC Boulingues; handler Kim Condy). Pharaoh Hound Can. Ch. & Am. GCh. Osiris Ricochet XO, Best of Opposite (breeders Brittany Carella & Kathy Carella; owners Stephanie Unger & Brittany Carella; handler David Rodriguez). Saluki Am. Ch. DeiConsorti Starlite Appletini, Award of Merit (breeder Daria Coneghan; owners Lisa Sangregorio, Tina Turley Kocab & Daria Coneghan). Smooth Dachshund Can. & Am. GCh. Paradachs Wee Mr Grandgables, Best of Opposite (breeder Trina Caird; owners Guy Jeavons, Mark Houston-McMillan & Joanne Griffith; handler Hailey Griffith).
Working Group: Akita Ch. Triumf Sibiri Magnat, Select Dog (breeder Natalaya Usoltseva; owners Yannick Bourque & Maude Beaumier-Messier; handler Emily Burdon). Alaskan Malamutes Can. Ch. & Am. GCh. Spiritrun’s Cool Ride, Best of Opposite (breeders/owners Jennifer Remazki, Edmund Remazki & Alisa Syar; handler Jennifer Remazki) and Can. GCh. & Am. GChG TaolanQuest Flying Cloud, Select Dog (breeders Laurie Newburn & Ron Pohl; owners Alisa Syar, Laurie Newburn, Ron Pohl & Mike Stone). Bernese Mountain Dogs Can. GCh. & Am. GChG Belnois Romeo Ruba Cuori FDC, Award of Merit (breeders Veroniquematte-Paquet & Pier Ann Lavoie; owner Pamela Eldredge) and Am. GCh. Alpenspirit Private Screening, Award of Merit (breeder Mylene Turbide; owners Lisa Gallizzo & Mylene Turbide). Boxer Can. GCh. & Am. GChS Hi Desert N Mephisto’s Game Changer, Select Dog (breeders/owners Lauri Travis & Michelle Yeadon; handler Michelle Yeadon). Dogue de Bordeaux Can. GCh. & Am. GChB ChateauRouge’s VaVaVa Voom CA, Best of Breed (breeders/owners/handlers Tracey Muth, Peter Muth & Sarah Muth). Newfoundland Ch. Midnight Lady’s Fire Up Your Engine Moso, Select Dog (breeder Zsuzsa Somos-Soos; owners Leo Rabinovitz & Bruno Ocampo; handler Christina Heard). Samoyed Can. & Am. GCh. Vanderbilt ‘N Printemp’s Lucky Strike, Award of Merit (breeders Mengru Wu, Blair Elford & Judi Elford; owners Judi Elford & Blair Elford; handlers Judi Elford & Susan Coulson). Siberian Husky Can. GCh. & Am. Ch. Snowmist’s Desert Chill, Best of Opposite (breeder/owner Kim Ramey-Leblanc; handler Colin Brownlee).
Terrier Group: Bull Terrier (Colored) Can. Ch. & Am. GChS Magor Galactic Agent, Select Dog (breeders Norma & Gordon Smith, Darcy Lawson & Bernie Buchannon). Miniature Bull Terrier Can. & Am. GCh. Bulligomingo-Omega’s Paella, Best of Breed (breeder Kimberly Benoliel; owners Terry Moffitt, Meghan Barnes, David Moffitt & Stuart Cairns). Miniature Schnauzer Am. GChG Beauideal Bombay Sapphire, Best of Opposite (breeders Dr. Lisa Sarvas & Catherine McMillan; owners Dr. Lisa Sarvas, Dr. Oke Nwoko & Krystal Mason). Norfolk Terrier Can. & Am. GCh. Avalon’s Rocket Man @ Rexroth, Best of Opposite (breeder Lori Pelletier; owners Leslie Walter, Steve Walter & Lori Pelletier). Parson Russell Terrier Can. & Am. GCh. Foxbend Celebrity Status, Select Bitch (breeders David & Susan Crawford and Shawn Fuller; owners David Crawford & Susan Crawford). Soft-coated Wheaten Terrier Can. GCh. & Am. Ch. Keepsake’s Raise Your Glass, Award of Merit (breeders Shari Robinson, Sydney Robinson & Priscilla Tims; owners Shari Robinson, Sydney Robinson, Priscilla Tims & Cheryl Satherley; handler Sydney Robinson). Staffordshire Bull Terriers Can. GCh. & Am. GChS Lackyle Bairille Dubailt, Best of Breed (breeder James Byrnes; owners Emily Burdon & Robert Gilbert; handler Emily Burdon) and Can. GChX & Am. Ch. Absolute Ly Here For Your Entertainment RN, DJ, TKP, Best of Opposite (breeders Blair Aguillard & Michelle Aguillard; owner/handler Lisa Parsons). West Highland White Terriers Can. Ch. & Am. GChS Skyehigh’s Miss Hyperion, Best of Opposite (breeders/owners Lindy Barrow & Antonio Celso Mollo), Can. & Am. GCh. Skyehigh’s One Pound Sterling, Select Dog (breeders Lindy Barrow & Antonio Celso Mollo; owner Lindy Barrow; handler David Gignac) and Am. Ch. Skyehigh’s James Bay, Award of Merit (breeders Lindy Barrow & Antonio Celso Mollo; owner Lindy Barrow). Wire Fox Terrier Am. GCh. Irvonhill Voignier, Select Dog (breeders Antony Barker, Jean Barker & Hailey Griffith; owners George & Nannette Herrick; handler Hailey Griffith).
Toy Group: Chihuahua (Short Coat) Am. GChB TEGS Dark Lady In Tight Genes, Select Bitch (breeders Tammy & Gerald Desjardins; owners Leslie Riley & Connie D’Ambra). Miniature Pinscher Can. GCh. & Am. Ch. Mightymites Dragon Heart, Award of Merit (breeder Bonnie Foster; owners Colleen Darres & Diane Gauthier; handler Jamie Maxwell). Pekingese Can. & Am. GCh. Dreamville Jersey Boy, Select Dog (breeder Raymundo Lo; owners Howard Hao Fan & Raymundo Lo; handler Howard Fan), Can. GCh. & Am. Ch. Michaelmas Yue Yue Fen, Award of Merit (breeders/owners Gary Tucker & David Kelland; handler Tom Curley) and Can. GCh. & Am. Ch. Pekehuis Shazam, Award of Merit (breeders Shaw, Mee & Francis; owner/handler Michael Hill). Shih Tzu Am. GChG Wenrick’s N’Palaquins They Call Me Mr. Bates, Select Dog (breeders Barbara Brem & Wendy Paquette; owners Lisa Thomaier, Robert Thomaier & Wendy Paquette; handler Michelle Jones).
Non-Sporting Group: American Eskimo Dog, Can. GChX & Am. GChP Nuuktok's Atka Inukshuk, Best of Breed (breeder Sharon Robertson; owners Sharon Robertson & Graeme Burdon; handler Graeme Burdon). Boston Terrier Am. GChG Mackendricks Whats The Skinny At Garnsey, Award of Merit (breeders Janice Smith & Susan Milton-Lloyd; owners Clayton G Haviland IV & Angele Cipriotti; handler Angie Cipriotti). Chinese Shar-Pei Can. & Am. GCh. Shines Call The Winnng Shot With Tzo Wen N Xin Jin, Award of Merit (breeder Rebecca Pentefcost DVM; owners Rhonda Holloway, Rebecca Pentecost, Tammy Bohlke & Barbara LaVere; handler Tammy Bohlke). Miniature Poodle Can. & Am. GCh. Bellefleet Don’t Pass Me By, Best of Opposite (breeder/handler Alysia Reichertz; owners Alysia Reichertz & Joanne Reichertz). Standard Poodle Am. Ch. Dawin Steal My Heart, Best of Opposite (breeder/owner Linda Campbell; handler Sarah Perchick). Tibetan Terrier Am. Ch. Adominos True Colors CGC, TKA, Best of Opposite (breeders Rhonda Bailey, Joy Sheffield & Lynn Meyer; owners Susan Fuchs & Ira Budow; handler Kevin Grew).
Herding Group: Bouvier des Flandres Am. GCh. Quiche's Major League, Best of Breed (breeders Elaine & Louise Paquette; owners Elaine & Louise Paquette and Julianna Garrison; handler Elaine Paquette) and Am. Ch. Quiche’s Power Play, Select Dog (breeders Elaine & Louise Paquette; owners Elaine & Louise Paquette and Julianna Garrison). Rough Collie Can. GCh. & Am. GChG Sylvan Argent Hollywood And Vine, Best of Breed (breeders Connie DuBois & Dr Cindi Bossart; owners Connie DuBois, Dr. Cindi Bossart, Jennifer Mosing, E. Liverance & S. Klaver; handler Earl Liverance). Smooth Collie Am. GChS SugarNSpice's Hear Me Roar CAA, Best of Opposite Sex (breeders Ruth Rutherford, Mara Flood & Dr. Line Robichaude; owners Mara Flood & Rebecca Flood). Norwegian Buhunds Am. GChB Tsarshadows Ragnar Lodbrok, Best of Breed (breeder/owner Dawne Deeley; handler Doug Belter) and Can. & Am. Ch. Kyon’s One Prim And Proper, Best of Opposite (breeder Karin Klouman; owners Ashley Martins & Karin Klouman; handler Ashley Martins). Shetland Sheepdogs Can. & Am. GCh. Laureate Who Knew, Select Dog (breeders/owners/handlers Kim Aston & Peter Culumovic) and Can. Ch. & Am. GChS Coastalviews Blueberry Hill, Select Bitch (breeder Judy M Tulloch; owners Karen Linkletter & Lyndee Krivanek). Spanish Water Dog Can. GCh. Zorrazo Xplorer PT, AgN, AgNJ, JT, RA, Best of Breed (breeder Marika Fredrikson; owner Marnie Harrison; handler Ivor Jelavic).
While we have made every effort to include all Canadian Westminster winners (AOM and above), if you know of a Canadian win that does not appear in above list, please contact us at [email protected] and, upon confirmation, an update will be made.


The opinions expressed by authors on the Canadian Kennel Club Blog and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not reflect the opinions of the Canadian Kennel Club or any of its employees.

Les opinions et les commentaires exprimés dans le blogue du Club Canin Canadien sont ceux des auteurs et ils ne reflètent pas les opinions du Club Canin Canadien ni de ses employés.

Conformation, Ian Lynch, Westminster Conformation, Ian Lynch, Westminster

Author InformationInformation sur l’auteur

Ian Lynch

Ian Lynch

Ian Lynch is a comedian, on-air personality and Canadian Kennel Club member. 

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Barry Brabant
I was surprised and pleased to see this account of Canadian dogs at WESTMINSTER.
2/7/2020 10:04:59 AM

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