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October 2019

Halloween Safety Tips
October 31, 2019
8fJOuZTT6CtRdg1Vv7Rb_iStock-1181255520.jpgHow to have a safe and happy Halloween with your dog

Halloween can be great fun for us, but the strangers, costumes, noises and disruption in routine can be very stressful for our dogs. Because your dog will probably not see Halloween in the same fun-filled light as you do, it’s important to take some precautions before the spooky night begins. 
Canada, Halloween, Holiday, How to, Ian Lynch, safety Canada, Halloween, Holiday, How to, Ian Lynch, safety
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IT4YOU-computer-image.pngThe atmosphere at the office is distinct right now as we are deep into the transition from one IT system to the next.  For those of us that have become so dependent on IT throughout our day, we can forget how our lives have been changed by technology.  Debit machines, online news, GPS and more have made daily tasks and routines faster and more convenient.  So, it may be surprising to say that CKC’s new IT system has generated a variety of mixed emotions ranging from trepidation, nostalgia, optimism and relief.
Lance Novak Lance Novak
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Belleville-and-District-Kennel-Club2.pngOn October 26th, 2019, Junior Handlers from across Canada will participate in the CKC Junior Handling National Championships hosted by the Belleville & District Kennel Club in Belleville, Ontario. Juniors will compete for the title of Best Overall Junior of 2018 in their discipline, Conformation or Obedience. In addition, the Conformation winner will have the chance to represent Canada at Crufts in England in March 2020.

​Please meet the talented and dedicated Junior Handling Provincial Zone Winners that are competing in this year’s National.

Canada, Conformation, Dog Show, Junior Handling, Junior Nationals, Juniors, obedience Canada, Conformation, Dog Show, Junior Handling, Junior Nationals, Juniors, obedience
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Your Adolescent Dog
October 21, 2019
ZljiCoMxRmCcHpWGn3tT_iStock-657542748.jpgYou WILL survive this phase with some knowledge, tricks and many withdrawals from your pool of patience! 

“What happened to my good puppy?” countless dedicated owners have asked themselves once their beloved pet turns 6 months mark and enters their “teenage months”. This period where your dog begins sexual maturity involves a ton of changes to your dog’s biological, physical, and psychological makeup. As a result, their behaviour is affected. 
Canada, CKC member, How to, Ian Lynch, obedience, Responsible Dog Ownership Canada, CKC member, How to, Ian Lynch, obedience, Responsible Dog Ownership
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mf3tykST4q6zRjTPi4yv_147635980.jpgSome lessons you’ll learn and mistakes you can avoid during the first year of owning a dog.

The first year of being a new dog owner involves a lot of loving and a lot of learning. Here are some lessons, common mistakes made and tips for your first year as a dog owner.
Canada, CKC member, Feel Good, grooming, Ian Lynch, puppy Canada, CKC member, Feel Good, grooming, Ian Lynch, puppy
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1601440_646754908714499_961829979_n.jpgBreeding purebred dogs requires time, appropriate resources, dedication, and most importantly, expertise. Making the decision to breed is a commitment—a responsible breeder strives to achieve specific goals that include improving immediate and long-term health and well-being of their breed(s). Continuing education is an important part of reaching these goals. Whether you are a novice breeder considering your first litter, or an experienced breeder looking to improve your breeding program, continuing education will help you improve your breeding program success.
breeder, Canada, How to, interview, pet health breeder, Canada, How to, interview, pet health
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lOnsL8rfTOOlGO6jppav_IMG_3327.jpgOwning an endangered breed can be incredibly rewarding

It’s no secret that what’s old is new again. As a millennial, I know that what used to be known as “used clothing” is now “vintage” and all the rage. Many of us have gone back to eating local and embracing a “farm- to- table” mentality when it comes to eating and the use of solar power is giving us renewed hope for a more sustainable future. 
Canada, CKC member, Feel Good, Ian Lynch, terrier Canada, CKC member, Feel Good, Ian Lynch, terrier
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