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Dreams Come True with the World Dog Show

January 31, 2018
Sherri-s-Pic-1-1.jpgSponsored Content 

The World Dog Show has been called the most important dog show in the world. Boasting approximately 20, 000 entries and a new host country each year, the multi-day canine extravaganza is a once in a lifetime experience for attendees and competitors alike!

We recently caught up with Sherri Davidson, the lucky winner of a trip for two to the 2018 World Dog Show coming up this summer in Amsterdam. We asked her a few questions to see how she's handling the excitement of her upcoming trip.

Sherri is a Transportation Director for her local school division, breeds and shows both Akitas and Shiba Inus and has been a member of the Canadian Kennel Club for almost 30 years!

How excited are you to have won the 2018 World Dog Show contest?
I think it’s indescribable!  Very surreal!  It’s absolutely fabulous!  I don’t think it’s even sunk in yet!

Have you already started packing?
Haha! No, but I have done some research on what the weather is going to be like over there in August.  So then I know what to buy, and then I’ll pack!

Sherri-s-Pic-2-Tymer-BISS-R.jpgWho was the first person you told about your big win?
My girlfriend.  I emailed her the email I received from you to make sure it was actually true!

Is that who you are taking with you?
I’m going to take my husband. I also emailed him, but he thought it was a scam!

He couldn’t believe it either! Did you ever imagine you'd be attending the World Dog Show?
No.  I’ve always wanted to.  It’s been a dream of mine for years, but I didn’t think I’ve ever get to it!  Not unless I retired, won the lottery or something like that.  This is the best thing ever!

You breed and show Shiba Inus and Akitas. Have you ever travelled internationally before for a dog show?
Just to the United States, four times.  I’ve never been to Europe, though! In the United States I’ve competed in specialties, national specialties and all-breeds. The biggest show had around 1500 dogs.

Sherri-s-Pic-3-Korbin-R.jpgSo, the World Dog Show will be the largest show you have ever attended! What’s the one thing about the World Dog Show that you’re really excited to experience?
The sheer depth and quality of the dogs that will be at the show.  The educational experience that this trip is going to allow me is beyond words.  I will see dogs that could compliment my lines and look at bringing bloodlines into Canada that may enhance the bloodlines of my breeds here.

What about Amsterdam in general?
The architecture, the history, the food, the culture, the museums … oh and I understand the non-stop interesting nightlife!

You were entered in this contest by using to enter events online. Why do you use for your entry needs?
Because it’s the most convenient way to enter a dog show. I like the fact that I can put all my dogs in a web based application and apply for a dog show from anywhere in the world whenever it’s convenient for me. It’s very user friendly, too!
We used to drive all the way across town to deliver an entry and now I can do this from the comfort of my office anytime day or night. I don’t miss deadlines anymore because of it!

Sherri-s-Pic-4-Lochlan-on-ledge1-R.jpgWhy did you get into dog shows?
I’ve always been passionate about dogs and have a competitive spirit.  I wanted something that could blend those two passions together.

You joined the Canadian Kennel Club almost 30 years ago. What else has changed since you first started going to dog shows?
One of the many things that has changed in Canada in the last 30 years is the introduction of Grand Championship and Grand Championship Excellent titles.  This gives us more opportunities to compete with the same dogs.

Congratulations again, Sherri, and thank you for using!

You could be the next winner! Every online entry made with enters you to win our new contest: a trip for two to the 2019 Crufts!


The opinions expressed by authors on the Canadian Kennel Club Blog and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not reflect the opinions of the Canadian Kennel Club or any of its employees.

Les opinions et les commentaires exprimés dans le blogue du Club Canin Canadien sont ceux des auteurs et ils ne reflètent pas les opinions du Club Canin Canadien ni de ses employés.

conformation, world dog show conformation, world dog show

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9/16/2019 6:14:45 AM

Judith Snowdon
Sherry!! Happy dance for you! Enjoy!!
2/4/2018 12:20:34 PM

Linda Halliday
Congratulations....hope to read. All about. Your experiences when you get back
2/2/2018 4:18:49 PM

Jill Evans
You may be shocked at some of the so-called Great Danes there which look more like Neapolitan Mastiffs - especially blues.
2/1/2018 9:29:18 PM

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