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Join me on my side of the desk

August 08, 2017
Just like you, I’m passionate about purebred dogs.  What’s more, I’m particularly proud of our Club’s many programs and initiatives that are dedicated to advancing the interests of purebred dogs, their owners and their breeders in Canada. 

While doing some spring-cleaning earlier this year, FullSizeRender-2.jpgI came across some CKC obedience certificates and ribbons in the basement dated in the ‘1970’s.  It made me realize that CKC had a presence in my household for longer than I was aware and before I ever imagined working here.  After more than thirty years with Irish wolfhounds, I tend to still display a bias for the breed but I’ve since been tempted by all of the wonderful breeds I’ve been exposed to through the CKC.        
 I’ve decided to launch a new blog that will take you behind my desk for an insider’s view on some of the issues before our organization.   I hope that you will be interested in a behind-the-scenes perspective on my responsibilities as the chief administrator and facilitator of the myriad of processes and decisions
here at CKC.

There really isn’t a better way to stay in the loop with all things CKC related!

 When you hit the subscribe button before September 1st, you’ll be entered to win a stylish CKC Jacket.  jacket-1.jpg

 ...and I welcome your feedback.  Leave your comments below each blog post or feel free to e-mail me directly with your comments or questions.  My team and I will endeavour to get back to you as quickly as possible.   

 Please join me on ‘my side of the desk’! 

The opinions expressed by authors on the Canadian Kennel Club Blog and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not reflect the opinions of the Canadian Kennel Club or any of its employees.

Les opinions et les commentaires exprimés dans le blogue du Club Canin Canadien sont ceux des auteurs et ils ne reflètent pas les opinions du Club Canin Canadien ni de ses employés.

Lance Novak Lance Novak

Author InformationInformation sur l’auteur

Lance Novak

Lance Novak

Lance Novak has been the Executive Director and a member of the Board of Directors of the Canadian Kennel Club since 2013. He is proud of his more than 20 years experience at the senior management and executive level, in the not-for-profit and regulatory industries. Lance’s life-long personal involvement with purebred dogs fuels his dedication to the CKC.

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9/16/2019 6:13:04 AM

<a href="">G</a>
Good post
9/16/2019 6:11:22 AM

9/13/2019 12:13:27 AM

<a href="">fireboy and watergirl</a>
That's great new blog. I already subcribed it.
9/13/2019 12:11:21 AM

Linda Williams
Awesome idea. Point of interest . How are or are there still talks going on about CKC acknowledging Therapy Canine as AKC does.
8/23/2017 2:39:24 PM

Stephanie Toom
I look forward to hearing what the CKC is doing.
8/22/2017 4:14:05 AM

Richard Paquette
Nice to see you at the Conception Bay KC in Newfoundland. I hope you had a lot of interaction with the membership.
8/18/2017 8:58:06 AM

Monique Seguin
Fabulous idea! Looking forward to reading your blog.
8/17/2017 11:54:34 AM

Roy Aitchison
Has the Board considered ways to increase membership not only in the national club but at the local level as well. Would be interested in hearing from the national club on how to address this issue
8/17/2017 10:20:29 AM

Vicki Markle
Great idea!
8/16/2017 9:22:57 AM

Diana MacKenie
Great idea Lance! Something members will enjoy.
8/15/2017 11:32:25 PM

Great idea!
8/15/2017 8:07:41 PM

Good job! Can't wait to read it! :)
8/15/2017 6:57:07 PM

Manon Lamontagne
Very interesting!
8/15/2017 5:41:23 PM

I like the idea, it's another avenue for member participation.
8/15/2017 5:16:11 PM

Rita Whale
Thank you from Earnescliffe Kennel!
8/15/2017 3:26:03 PM

Yes, I would be interested even though I'm no longer breeding, I'm still involved with Evelyn Kenny Kennel and Obedience Club and Westwind Sporting Dog Club.
8/15/2017 1:19:29 PM

Meg Sherring
Wonderful. A way to feel like one is in the loop. Thank you for this inclusion.
8/15/2017 12:16:32 PM

Interesting concept...
8/15/2017 12:07:54 PM

Nancy Higgitt
A great idea...will help readers to better understand exactly what CKC does and that it is not just a money grabbing affair. Kudos to you!
8/15/2017 12:02:02 PM

Michele Loucks
ANY effort to reach out to the membership can only be viewed as a positive.
8/15/2017 12:01:11 PM

Kay Reid
This seems like it could be very enlightening to many of us.
8/15/2017 11:46:56 AM

Jean Tremblay
I look forward to this blog. Bonne chance .
8/15/2017 11:46:37 AM

Roy Aitchison
Sounds like a good idea and trust many members will take advantage of this opportunity. I look forward to future postings.
8/15/2017 11:40:09 AM

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