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Finding the Right Home for Your Puppies

August 08, 2017
Puppy-1.jpgI don’t want homes for puppies, I want homes for adult dogs.  Puppies are easy to sell, ask any puppy mill or rescue. Puppies are snapped up in no time… Then as adults they end up in rescue because the people who found the cutest puppy only wanted the puppy, not what the puppy grew up to be.

When people ask about my breed I tell them the good, the great and the not so great aspects of living with a dog this breed in particular.  I also tell them that they need to meet adult dogs and love them, really LOVE them before I will consider them as a home for one of my dogs. 

A prospective puppy owner should be interested in what sort of dog they will be living with for ten to fifteen years.  They should want the characteristics that typify the breed they are looking for.  Don’t get a dog because it looks pretty. Get a dog that fits your life, activities and personality.

A prospective owner must know that training, socializing and housetraining… All take time and a puppy will not be a perfect adult right away.  A dog is an individual, a living breathing creature with needs, and ideas who grows and changes from silly baby to competent adult to silly old dog.  Buying a puppy is just the first step and breeders are looking for people who understand the commitment.  

This applies to anybody, whether they want a show or breeding prospect or a pet.  Pax-Bonnie-Cliff-Julia-Feb-7-08.jpgHow long is a dog going to be shown or bred?  Even if you take that dog to a show every weekend of its entire life there are still five other days of the week where life keeps happening. If you decide to breed there is still the rest of the life of a brood bitch or stud dog so let’s be clear all these dogs are pets but some are pets with jobs.

Any person who wants a puppy should understand that puppies aren’t waiting on the shelf in my back room.  I can’t activate a puppy and send it off next week, puppies are not in continuous supply, a tap that can be turned on and off. Good breeders are balancing the health and wellbeing of their dogs against demand for puppies.  Puppy Mills produce puppies at the expense of their dog’s wellbeing.  I am looking for people who understand that a good dog is worth waiting for. 

Some breeders have rules about fences or diet or other criteria.  There are pros and cons to every living situation. A fenced yard for instance, does not guarantee a good home, it could simply be an easy way to never take the dog for a walk.  At some point a breeder has to know that they cannot control what goes on every day in the homes their dogs go to and they must trust the honour and good intentions of the people who buy their dogs.

Breeding dogs is not for the faint of heart.



The opinions expressed by authors on the Canadian Kennel Club Blog and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not reflect the opinions of the Canadian Kennel Club or any of its employees.

Les opinions et les commentaires exprimés dans le blogue du Club Canin Canadien sont ceux des auteurs et ils ne reflètent pas les opinions du Club Canin Canadien ni de ses employés.

breeder, Naomi Kane, puppy breeder, Naomi Kane, puppy

Author InformationInformation sur l’auteur

Naomi Kane

Naomi Kane

Naomi Kane has been an active advocate for responsible dog ownership for nearly thirty years, she became a Canine Good Citizen Evaluator, before Canine Good Neighbour was inaugurated and became one of the first, if not the first, Canine Good Neighbour Evaluators.

She has volunteered her time and expertise at the CKC R-Dog Days and other CKC educational events doing Canine Good Neighbour Evaluations and talking to the public about responsible and respectful treatment of dogs.

Naomi breeds Leonberger and serves on the CKC Responsible Dog Ownership Committee.

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7/11/2019 1:00:29 AM

blair shinski
Well written article. How true about a fenced yard being an excuse for not walking your dog. A Victoria University Student is completing her thesis on human activity related to dog ownership. She discovered early in her population survey that 50% of dog owners don't walk their dogs. Sad. Which leads to evidence that owning a dog, doesn't equal more active humans.
11/9/2017 1:56:13 PM

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