The Canadian Kennel Club (CKC) is deeply saddened by the passing of Dr. Richard Meen, a Canadian leader in the purebred dog fancy who inspired many. Our hearts go out to his family and friends around the world.
Born in 1940, Dr. Dick as he was affectionately known, was an accomplished psychiatrist and became involved with purebred dogs at the age of 25. While he bred and exhibited many breeds, it was Borzoi and Skye Terriers that captured his heart, breeding under the kennel prefix “Kishniga”. The accolades that Dr. Meen and his husband, Dr. John Reeve-Newson, achieved in the ring together were tremendous, setting top dog records and winning many Best in Shows with Dobermans, French Bulldogs, Old English Sheepdogs to name a few, and of course with his beloved Borzoi and Skye Terriers.
Dr. Meen was a Past President and Chair of the Board of CKC, was involved with numerous clubs in Canada and internationally over his career and established the Canadian parent clubs Borzoi Canada and Skye Canada. He was a highly regarded judge, welcomed by kennel clubs globally. One of his crowning achievements was judging the prestigious Best in Show at Westminster in 2016.
Dr. Meen’s inspiring contributions and achievements leave a legacy that will benefit the dog fancy for decades to come. His smile, his creativity and his devotion to purebred dogs and their people are best captured by members of our community. We are honored to share a few of the messages of the many that we received when the sad news of Dr. Meen’s passing became known.

I had the pleasure of serving on the CKC Board of Directors when Dr. Dick was Chair. He had the ability to make one think "outside the box" and be forwarding thinking, and yes, challenge oneself to set, and attain, higher goals.
Outside the dog world, Dr. Dick was highly respected in his professional life, and gave tirelessly helping people.
The legacy of Dr. Dick will live on. It was an honour and privilege to have known you.
– Joan Bennett, CKC Board Chair
With the point of his finger he made my dreams come true.
He shocked me that night, truly. I will be forever grateful and humbled that this Man, whom I held in such high esteem, deemed my homebred dog BEST.
As my heart breaks, my mind races to relive the night. A night special to both of us. With the point of that finger in the BIG ring, our lives became intertwined into the history books.
God speed my friend, your time on earth was well lived. You made a difference to so many, you will forever live on in my dreams.
– Valerie Nunes-Atkinson, VJK-Myst Kennels
An original and larger than life person he will always be remembered as a passionate and caring person and inspiration to all. A great loss for the Purebred Dog Family who will always be remembered for his sharp wit, sense of humour and endearing smile.
– Richard Paquette, CKC Director
I grew up looking at pictures of his dogs and him from the magazines my dad brought home from Canada/USA. He was my idol and a Borzoi God to me. Never imagined he would put up my Borzoi for RBIS at Westminster 20 years since then. He made our dream come true and he made sure that the younger generation could carry on.
– Mai Hirai, Belisarius Kennels
All of us at CKC are saddened to hear of the recent passing of Dr. Richard Meen. He had a positive impact on everyone he worked with at CKC and will be greatly missed. We have received so many comments and stories from the membership about their interactions with “Dr. Dick”. To this day, his time as Board Chair is revered as the model of leadership, forward thinking and teamwork. The legacy he has left us with includes many ideas and concepts to keep us thinking and building on for years to come.
– Lance Novak, CKC Executive Director
Dick was one of the “good” guys and did a LOT of good for the CKC internationally. He was a great CKC Chair, had a wonderful sense of humour, and said what he thought….but was usually very diplomatic, and had a wonderful sense of humour.
– Sandy Briggs, Wimberway Kennels
I have very fond memories of Dr. Richard Meen. I remember Dr. Meen as a well-dressed gentleman, who was generous both to the CKC and myself. I personally handled many registrations under the Kishniga prefix for Dr. Meen over the years. I will sadly miss this iconic figure of the Canadian dog fancy.
Dr. Meen was a successful breeder and a shining light in the world of purebred dogs. I always enjoyed a good conversation with him and great laughs. Wishing Dr. John Reeve-Newson, and his daughter Sandra Pierce, peace and comfort during this difficult time
– Leila Bahorie, CKC Director, Registration & Member Services
Fare thee well my dear friend. Thank you for being a mentor, a leader and an inspiration. You leave this world a better place because of you, and it will not be the same without you”
– Rick Hayward, CKC Member
We invite everyone to leave your comments, stories and memories of Dr. Dick in the comments below.