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With over 3000 CKC sanctioned events held across Canada each year, there are literally thousands of opportunities for you to enjoy great fun with your canine companion!
If you haven’t decided which style of event appeals most to you and your dog, you can start at the
Overview of Events to find out more about each type of event.
Ready to compete? Once you have decided on your favourite event style, practised at home or in class and are ready to enter your first event, the steps below will help you navigate the wide world of CKC dog events in Canada. Welcome to the fun!
Step 1: Register Your Dog with CKC
Did you know that all dogs can compete in CKC sanctioned events like Agility, Obedience, Rally Obedience and Chase Ability? Only Conformation and breed specific events are reserved for purebred dogs.
All your dog needs is a registration number. CKC uses these numbers to keep track of event entries, results, standings and titles. That’s right - your canine companion could be an official Champion! If your dog is not registered to compete, you can
apply for a registration number today.
Step 2: Find a Local Event

Event Calendar lists all CKC sanctioned events. Search by location, event type, or host club to find events near you.
Step 3: Becoming an Exhibitor (aka Becoming a Competitor)
“Exhibitor” is the dog world name for event competitors. Now that you have selected your event from the CKC Event Calendar, you are ready to be an exhibitor!
Click “Details” on the event listing to locate the
event secretary and, if available, a
premium list.
event secretary (or show secretary) is responsible for managing show entries and results. They create the
premium list where you will find all the relevant information you need to enter your dog including the schedule, show fees, the
closing date (last day to enter) and entry forms. If the premium list is not available online, you are always welcome to e-mail the event secretary to ask for a copy.

Most shows accept
online show entries via third party entry service companies, such as
DogShow.ca. This quick and easy process is great for novice event participants. User-friendly online entry services will check to make sure you have filled all the forms out correctly, let you know of any issues and provide confirmation of your entry. Check the premium list - when you see an entry service logo like DogShow.ca’s with the entry forms, that means you can make an official entry online.
Step 4: Have Fun!
Dog shows and performance events can range from small events for a handful of dogs to multi-day events that bring together thousands of human-canine teams. DO arrive early for your first event so you can explore the grounds and get settled. DON’T be afraid to introduce yourself to people, ask questions and let them know it’s your first time out.
If you have any questions or need any assistance, you can always contact us here at the CKC at
[email protected]