Canadian dogs that have won the Garden!
The Westminster Kennel Club began in the 1870s when a group of sportsmen would gather and discuss dogs after a day of bird hunting at the Westminster Hotel in Union Square, New York City. The hotel is no longer there, but the annual dog show that they began in 1877 continues to draw the attention of the dog world every February. The Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show pre-dates the invention of the light bulb, the automobile and even the zipper. It is the second oldest sporting event in the United States, after the Kentucky Derby. Canadians have long competed at the show since its inception and the most-coveted award in the North American dog show world, Best in Show at Westminster, has been won 6 times by Canadian Dogs.
Way back in 1918, CH Haymarket Faultless, a Bull Terrier owned by R H Elliott was the first Canadian dog to win Best in Show at The Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show under Judges Harry T Peters, Theodore Offerman and J Willoughby Mitchell!
In 1975 Canadian Old English Sheep Dog, CH Sir Lancelot of Barvan took Best in Show at the 99
th Annual Westminster Dog Show under Judge Harry T Peters Jr. After his decision was made, Peters told the press “He is magnificent, the best representative of the breed I've ever seen”. Dudley was owned by Mr & Mrs R Vanword of Newmarket, Ontario and handled at Westminster by Malcom Fellows. Dudley was 3 years old at the time of this win and afterwards, he graced the cover of Sports Illustrated!

1979’s Best in Show at Westminster went to Canadian Irish Water Spaniel CH Oaktree's Irishtocrat. 4 year-old Dugan was called by Group judge Elsworth Howell "a living visualization of the standard". Best in Show Judge Henry Stoecker said “He had type, balance and soundness, three qualities I look for in a Best in Show dog. Then he is a showman all the way. You know, it's like a chorus girl. She has to have it and be able to show it. He moved beautifully, both going away and coming at you. And he's a picture from the side.” This beautiful Spaniel was bred and owned by Anne Snelling of Ottawa, Ontario. Dugan was handled to this great win where he beat 3,153 dogs by Bill Trainor. This stunning boy started Field Trial training after this historic win.

Just 3 years after her Irish Water Spaniel took Best in Show, Mrs. Anne E Snelling’s Pekingese Ch St Aubrey Dragonora of Elsdon was the 4th Canadian dog to win the Garden in 1982 under Judge Mrs. Robert V Lindsay. 8 and ½ pound Lele beat out the previous year’s Best in Show winner Pug CH Dhandys Favorite Woodchuck. Toy Group Judge Dr. Gough said ''The Peke won it on beauty. Although the Pug is extremely hard to fault, I felt he just wasn't giving enough. The Peke was showing all the time.'' Lele retired after the show and went back to Ottawa to live with her mother and another Pekingese Anne Snelling owned.

In 1998 the title of Best in Show at Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show went to Canadian-bred CH. Fairewood Frolic, a Norwich Terrier. It was Rocki’s 87th Best in Show when Dr. Josephine Deubler declared her the big winner. Dr. Deubler, who was the first female veterinary college graduate of the University of Pennsylvania in 1938, said that the little Norwich Terrier ''never stopped asking for it” on the night of her historic win. Rocki was proudly owned by Sandy and Glorvina Schwartz of Sandina Kennels and was bred by Lotus Tutton.

It would be hard to forget the charming Miss P! 2015’s Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show Best in Show Judge David Merriam said that Miss P “had wonderful type”, a “wonderful head” and that as he watched her move on the carpeted floor of Madison Sqaure Garden, he said he could simultaneously see “the Beagle in the ring and the Beagle in the field.” GCH. Tashtins Lookin For Trouble made history as the 6th Canadian Dog to win Westminster! Miss P (shorthand for Peyton) is proudly owned by Eddie Dziuk, Lori Crandlemire and Kaitlyn Crandlemire. She was handled by Will Alexander.
Westminster week 2019 begins with Meet the Breeds and the Masters Agility Championship on February 9
th. The 143
rd annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show happens on February 11
th and 12
th. There is also the Masters Obedience Championship, which will take place on February 11
th. The Canadian Kennel Club will have coverage of the Canadian brags of the show on their social media platforms and we all hope that they once again announce that another great Canadian dog has won the purple and gold Westminster Best in Show rosette!