Canada now has a reliable, convenient, and affordable at-home canine pregnancy test!
PetTech Solutions is a Canadian company that all Canadian Kennel Club member breeders should know. They go to great lengths to research and extensively test breeding products before adding them to their growing portfolio to ensure they are consistently bringing reliable, useful, and unique offerings to Canada’s dog breeders.
A breeder’s second-best friend, PetTech Solutions offers practical and proven products such as ovulation detectors, ultrasound systems, Canadian-made whelping boxes, Vetbed fleece, and now Bellylabs Canine Pregnancy Tests with even more exciting things in the works.

The Bellylabs Pregnancy Test is the first of its kind early detection rapid test for home use. You can confirm pregnancy in a bitch as early as 28 days post-ovulation and distinguish between pseudopregnancy and actual gestation easily and quickly at home.
A true innovation for pregnancy testing at home, Bellylabs measures canine relaxin hormone in under 15 minutes without needing a needle or centrifuge. Relaxin hormone is a dependable and very accurate confirmation of pregnancy in dogs.
Already appreciated by the most experienced breeders who have tried the product and shared their feedback, and easy and simple to use for new breeders awaiting their foundation bitch’s first litter.
Pregnancy testing with Bellylabs is an easy, stress-free/needle-free experience that any breeder can do at home. Everything you need for a test is included in the box.
For the best accuracy, it is recommended to test after 28 days from ovulation*. There is no harm in testing earlier, but there might not be enough hormone present for a reliable detection yet.
Using Bellylabs Pregnancy Tests for Dogs is easy!
The test requires just a small droplet of blood, easily obtained with a quick snap of a small lancet on the inner lip. It’s easy, stress free, and most dogs barely notice it at all.
Bellylabs uses that small amount of blood to get an accurate and reliable reading of the canine relaxin hormone without requiring a full blood draw or blood serum spun down with a centrifuge like currently available tests.
Why use Bellylabs’ Pregnancy Test Kit?
It’s convenient. The kit comes with all the equipment needed to perform the test at home, and it’s easy to do by following the simple instructions.
It’s reliable. Bellylabs Pregnancy Test Kit has a proven 96% accuracy rate. **
It’s fast. Getting results within 15 minutes of starting the test makes Bellylabs Pregnancy Test Kit quick, easy, and stress-free for both you and your dog.
It’s affordable. One kit is just $79.95. As a Canadian Kennel Club affiliate partner, PetTech offers CKC members 10% savings and an additional 18% off when you buy more than 6 kits. You’ll often catch PetTech Solutions cheering you on at shows and events, providing exclusive launches for CKC members, and savings on all of their products. CKC members are encouraged to log into their CKC member account to obtain their discount code for PetTech Solutions products.
Order Bellylabs Pregnancy Test for dogs and learn more about this incredible product by visiting PetTech Solutions webpage.
* Gestation days may vary if calculated from mating and the time of ovulation is unknown. A progesterone test can be performed to precisely determine ovulation before mating.
* *The Bellylabs pregnancy test was compared to a confirmed medical diagnosis. The study involved 70 performed tests.