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February 2019

Poodle-1.jpgBeing a handler is a job I have always been curious about. What made them want to venture down the path of handling at dog shows? Why did they show a particular breed? I had opportunity to find out more about the dog show world and had the privilege to interview Sarah Drake, a dog show handler of many champions and with over 30 years of experience!
CKC Top Dogs, Conformation, Dog Show, nutrition, pet health CKC Top Dogs, Conformation, Dog Show, nutrition, pet health
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Westminster Wrap Up
February 27, 2019
Tam.jpgRemembering the Canadians that wowed at the 143rd Annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show 

Another Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show has come and gone. There is so much to see and do during Westminster week:  from the Masters Agility Championship to the two days of the Conformation Show, not to mention all the friends from all over the world you want to catch up with. As you arrive in New York City and look ahead at Westminster week, it seems long, but always passes in the blink of an eye. 

Conformation, Ian Lynch, Westminster Conformation, Ian Lynch, Westminster
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Diane-1.jpgThe staff at CKC had the pleasure of celebrating a major service milestone at CKC.  Diane Draper, Manager Regulatory marked her 40th anniversary at CKC on February 7. 

For those that don’t know, Diane has worked much of her career in the area of Regulatory meaning that she oversees the development and maintenance of our by-laws and policies and procedures.    She also oversees a contentious side of CKC; complaints, and discipline and appeals files.   

In comparison to 40 years, I’ve only been here for 6 years but over that time, I’ve worked with Diane through a lot of interesting challenges and cases and projects, many of which were unique, not only for me but also for Diane after 40 years.   I’ve heard her say may times, “we’ve never had this happen before”.      
Lance Novak Lance Novak
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Not many people can claim to have the #1 dog in the country in rally once, let alone twice. Charlie MacMillan, owner/handler/trainer of Ace the #1 Rally Dog for 2018 can lay claim to this title a staggering five times!

Since the start of Rally in CKC, Charlie has been featured in the Top Rally Dogs Top 10 list every single year. He held the #1 spot four times with his dog Fly’R, and this year claimed the #1 spot with his current dog Ace for the young dog’s first time ... 
CKC Top Dogs, How to, Jackiy Boychuk, Rally, training CKC Top Dogs, How to, Jackiy Boychuk, Rally, training
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We caught up with Lee of the amazing Lee and Scooter team while they were down in Florida enjoying a well-earned vacation. They have claimed the #1 Obedience Top Dogs spot for two years in a row, and Lee graciously expanded on her Top Dogs interview, offering some wonderful insight into the world of Obedience training and her work with Scooter. 
CKC Top Dogs, How to, Jackiy Boychuk, obedience, Tips, training CKC Top Dogs, How to, Jackiy Boychuk, obedience, Tips, training
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Historic Westminster Facts
February 11, 2019
e6hwbd61TimdvE8jwsrL_WKC-Geraldine-1.JPGA collection from America’s dog show.

You could say my memory is “selective”. I can’t always remember my postal code (it starts with an M..) but I can always recall who won Best in Show at Westminster in 1957 (it was Sunny Shay’s Afghan Hound CH Shirkhan of Grandeur). Because The Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show began in 1877, it is not surprising that this 143 year old dog show has collected its fair share of interesting facts. As a child, I watched Westminster on television every year with my father and now have been lucky enough to attend for the past four years. Here are some memorable facts about the show I have learned as I have experienced this glamorous show. 
Conformation, Ian Lynch, Westminster Conformation, Ian Lynch, Westminster
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_inuk-outdoor.jpgThe most decorated dog in Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show history lives in Caldeon, Ontario with his breeder Sharon Robertson. Last February, American Eskimo Dog Grand Champion Nuuktok’s Atka Inukshuk aka Inuk set a 142 year Westminster record being the first of any breed to have 9 Best of Breed wins. The previous record of 8 Best of Breed wins was formerly held by Akita CH Tobe's Return of the Jedai. The 11-year-old white beauty is headed back to the Big Apple with hopes of scoring one more before he officially retires.

Sharon Robertson was introduced to the American Eskimo Dog in 1985 when her son brought a puppy home. His name was AJ and became Sharon’s companion and apart from a rescue she took in, American Eskimos have been her breed of choice since. Sharon began breeding these lovable dogs from the Non-Sporting Group under the Nuuktok name in 2004.
Conformation, Dog Show, Ian Lynch, Westminster Conformation, Dog Show, Ian Lynch, Westminster
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CKC-Moustache2.JPGOwning a Top Dog is an honour bestowed on few and remembered by all in the fancy. Taking a dog to the top of your chosen discipline requires hours upon hours of training, research, conditioning, grooming, travel and yes, it also takes money. It’s a feat that no owner gets to by themselves. Even before your puppy was yours, years of careful breeding went into that pup and countless people in the dog community helped bring you to this level.

As we approach the end of 2018, I thought it would be great to look back on how Canada’s Top Dogs began and revisit some great dogs of the past.

In 1963, First Top Show Dog Stats were introduced by Dogs in Canada magazine publisher, Elizabeth Dunn. At this time they were referred to as the “Blue Book of Top Winning Dogs”. This list presented the Top 3 all breeds, Top 3 in Group and Top 3 in each breed. The formula wasn’t always consistent; some years included only the total points, while others total points, plus the number of Best of Breed, Group placements and Best in Show wins. Joan Morden was the first recorded statistician for the Top Show Dogs. A memorial trophy in her honour was awarded to the Top Show Dog up until 2010.
Agility, CKCTopDogs, Conformation, Obedience, Rally Agility, CKCTopDogs, Conformation, Obedience, Rally
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