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Update on Advocacy in Nova Scotia

We have been busy advocating on your behalf over the last few months and would like to provide an update on activities underway to support CKC members and the health and well-being of purebred dogs.

Building stakeholder relations
In May, Sarah McDowell, CKC’s Manager of Government and Stakeholder Relations attended the Humane Canada Summit for Animals in Halifax, Nova Scotia. This was the first time that CKC attended the largest and only animal welfare conference in Canada, now in its 11th year, with 400+ attendees. This event provided a wonderful networking opportunity, meeting with industry stakeholders and keynote speakers from across the country.

We had a positive in-person meeting with the Nova Scotia SPCA, attended by Janice Kivimaki, CKC Zone 1 Director and CKC’s Sarah McDowell. The Nova Scotia SPCA speaks favourably about CKC members and is eager to collaborate with CKC and to keep us informed about the Society’s work that may impact CKC members. For example, the Nova Scotia SPCA has agreed to create an informational document that will assist CKC members in understanding the rights of home-based breeders and breeders with an off-site kennel/building) regarding entry, inspection and the process regarding infractions and follow up. The Nova Scotia SPCA also offered to attend local CKC events or meetings and would be happy to answer questions from CKC members. We are encouraged by these positive discussions and look forward to further engagement with the Society. If you have any questions or concerns that should be discussed at our next meeting with the Nova Scotia SPCA, please contact Janice Kivimaki at [email protected].

New Advocacy Committee
CKC’s new Advocacy Committee was recently formed, and provincial members were appointed at the quarterly board meeting in May. Congratulations to Zone 1 members, Emily Gratton (Nova Scotia) and Imelda MacDonald (Newfoundland). With their support, we look forward to furthering our strategic advocacy priorities and goals, to address many of the challenges facing CKC members and purebred dogs across Canada.

Pet Establishment Regulations
Your Zone Director attended the Annual Minister’s Animal Welfare Forum on Thursday, and we are pleased to confirm that the province will not be moving forward with the pet establishment regulations. The Minister determined that the proposed recommendations last year would be a burden to businesses and responsible breeders that could comply and would not target the producers of unhealthy dogs. The government may re-visit the subject next year. We are pleased by the Minister’s recommendation, in support of responsible CKC member breeders and look forward to future participation on the Annual Minister’s Animal Welfare Forum.

NS Kennel Guidelines Pilot Project
Please watch for more details coming soon about the CKC’s kennel guidelines pilot project for Nova Scotia.

If you have comments or questions, please feel free to contact Janice Kivimaki at [email protected].
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