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Update for Manitoba Members Re: MVMA Member-Proposed Bylaw Change to Ban Tail Docking

As you may be aware, a member of the Manitoba Veterinary Medical Association (MVMA) put forward an amendment to the MVMA by-laws in mid-2024 to prohibit their members from performing “cosmetic tail docking on a domestic canine for the purpose of having the animal’s appearance conform to a breed standard or tradition.” MVMA members will vote on the member-proposed bylaw amendment at their Annual General Meeting, on January 24, 2025. We encourage those who are members of both CKC and MVMA to attend the MVMA AGM and consider our points below when casting their vote and when speaking at the AGM, should the opportunity arise. We encourage CKC/MVMA members to share their perspectives with the Association and we appreciate the support for our position, veterinary autonomy, responsible CKC member breeders and the health and well-being of purebred dogs.

While the MVMA previously decided not to pursue a by-law amendment to ban tail docking after consulting with CKC in 2023, this member-led motion required them to consult with their members during summer 2024. CKC was invited by the Association to make a submission by August 30, 2024, in which we:           
  • Urged MVMA Council to continue to allow licensed veterinarians in Manitoba, who have the expertise and experience with dog breeds, to determine what is appropriate with regards to tail docking.
  • Shared that CKC members work closely with Manitoban veterinarians to determine what is best for the health and well-being of their dogs, including the docking of tails, considering the preventative health benefits of doing so.
  • Reiterated that CKC breed standards do not require dogs to have their tails docked to compete in competition and allow for choice regarding breeds that have been traditionally docked based on the function of the dog rather than for cosmetic reasons.
  • Highlighted that tail docking is performed for safety reasons and to humanely prevent harm and unnecessary suffering in sporting and working breeds as a result of tail breakage, as well as to support hygienic animal husbandry.
  • Provided research and legislative examples of preventative health benefits of tail docking for dogs whose tails can sustain injuries during working and sporting activities.

We also met with the Winnipeg Humane Society (WHS) in fall 2024 to discuss the MVMA member-proposed bylaw amendment and share our position and recommendations. We remain committed to promoting responsible breeders, and the health and well-being of purebred dogs, and will keep our members informed of the outcome of the vote in the coming week. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us via [email protected].
AccueilHome > News > 2025 > January > Update for Manitoba Members Re: MVMA Member-Proposed Bylaw Change to Ban Tail Docking