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Notice to Ontario Beagle Field Trial Clubs Re: Train and Trial Licenses Now in Effect

Ontario Beagle Field Trial Clubs,

We are pleased to share that after many months of consulting regularly with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, with the unwavering support of Greg Steeves, our Ontario North Beagle Field Trial Council representative, the Ministry has advised CKC that the following amendments to the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997 and associated regulations would be effective as of October 1, and will allow our members/clubs to:
  • apply for a license to own and operate a new train and trial area through a one- time 90-day application period, and
  • obtain a license for an already established train and trial area where a person is looking to transfer the ownership and operation of their area.     
Members interested in establishing a new train and trial area may apply for a new license during a one-time application period from October 1, 2024 – December 29, 2024. No applications will be accepted after this application period. The new train and trial area does not need to be fully constructed to apply during this application period, but the applicant must provide the information regarding the proposed operations of the area. For more information about submitting an application, please review the Application for a Licence to Own and Operate a New Train and Trial Area (2024) and the Applicant Information Package or contact [email protected].
Further, as of October 1, 2024, if the holder of a license no longer wishes to operate their train and trial area, they may request that the license be transferred to another individual to own and operate that same train and trial area. License holders may contact their local ministry work centre or email  [email protected] for more information on license transfers.
The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry has made some additional changes that may affect existing license holders.
  • To support good logbook record keeping practices:
    • license holders must record information regarding the sale of any wildlife that were kept captive in their train and trial area (name and license number of the person to whom wildlife was sold and the date of sale); and
    • logbooks must be updated within 24 hours, or as soon as possible, of any event/business transaction that must be recorded in the logbook. 
  • To help prevent the introduction of rabbit hemorrhagic disease into Ontario, train and trial license holders may no longer keep cottontail and varying (snowshoe) hares that have been imported into Ontario.
To support improved understanding of train and trial frequency requirements, the Ministry has clarified that train and trial areas must be free of dogs for six periods of 12 consecutive hours during a seven-day period. These periods are intended to be separate from each other, allowing for a minimum of 12 hours between them to support animal welfare.
The Ministry will provide notice of these changes, and the new opportunities outlined above, to existing license holders. We welcome these changes as they support our members who run and participate in field trial activities with their dogs, while ensuring the safety of all dogs, wildlife, and trainers alike. We have expressed our support for these changes in a letter to Premier Doug Ford and are pleased that our sport and traditions will be able to be enjoyed by future generations for years to come.

More information is available on the Environmental Registry of Ontario. If you have any questions or would like to discuss the changes in further detail, please contact the Wildlife Section at [email protected].
AccueilHome > News > 2024 > October > Notice to Ontario Beagle Field Trial Clubs Re: Train and Trial Licenses Now in Effect