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Update on CKC Advocacy Activities in Québec

We continue to advocate on behalf of our members and would like to provide an update on our advocacy activities over the past month, including the results of a recent member survey regarding the new Ministère de l'Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l'Alimentation du Québec (MAPAQ) regulation implemented in February 2024, in support of the health and well-being of purebred dogs in Québec.   
CKC Participated in the MAPAQ Annual Partners’ Meeting  
On November 14, CKC, represented by Sylvain Sirois, Zone 3 Director, and a member from our Québec government relations firm, participated in the MAPAQ Annual Partners' Meeting. It was a positive meeting with a focus on discussing advocacy priorities such as permanent identification and advancing relationships between CKC, MAPAQ and the veterinary community, including the Ordre des médecins vétérinaires du Québec (OMVQ). 
Meeting with a Researcher from the National Assembly Re: Permanent Identification 
On December 9, CKC, represented by Sylvain Sirois, Québec Board Director and a member from our Québec government relations firm, met with a researcher with the official opposition to promote CKC’s submission on Bill 70, an Act to Amend the Animal Health Protection Act. While Bill 70 is primarily focused on agricultural/livestock traceability, CKC’s submission promotes the benefit of permanent identification (microchipping) and traceability for companion animals. 
Results for Québec Member Survey Re: Regulation Implemented in February 2024  
Thank you to our Québec members who took part in our member engagement survey regarding the regulation on the welfare and safety of domestic companion animals and equines implemented in February 2024. The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (Ministère de l'Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l'Alimentation du Québec - MAPAQ) had shared that while no changes will be made to the regulation in the short-term, they would like our feedback and input regarding how these changes are being implemented and how they impact our members. We appreciate your valuable feedback and are looking forward to sharing it with MAPAQ. 
The following are the findings from the member engagement survey:

  • A total of 181 CKC members took part in the survey.
  • 50% of the respondents believe that the regulation, since its implementation, has had no impact on them and their dogs.
  • 35% of the respondents have been negatively impacted since the implementation of the regulation due to several reasons including:
    • Injuries (e.g., tail docking) amongst working dogs
    • Puppy buyers continuing to request puppies with docked tails
    • Different requirements for competing and showing in the U.S.
  • 60% of the respondents have had no impact on their existing breeding/training/showing practices with their practices remaining the same as before the regulation was implemented.
  • 25% of the participants had to significantly change their practices due to the following reasons:
    • Financial and logistical problems
    • Reduced participation in competitions and shows
    • Reduced number of breedings
    • Stopped breeding
  • About 70% of the respondents have faced no challenges in complying with the regulation.
  • Some suggestions for government resources that could help comply with the regulation included the following:
    • Conduct more information sessions
    • Raise awareness regarding the regulation
    • Financial assistance to comply with the regulation
    • Allow exceptions for tail docking for working and/or sporting dogs
  • 52% of respondents have interacted with individuals regarding the regulation with the most frequent interaction being with a veterinarian, followed by CKC member breeder, CKC representative, MAPAQ inspector, other animal-focused organizations, and lastly a government official.
  • Some key suggestions or feedback that will help CKC engage with the government and support our members in Québec with the regulation included the following:
    • Educate conformation judges about the restrictions regarding tail docking in Québec  
    • Advocate for the tracing of dogs through permanent identification to implement the regulation efficiently
    • Propose that veterinarians report cases of mistreatment or poor reproductive practices
    • Request exceptions for tail docking for working and/or sporting dogs
    • Request that CKC member breeders be able to bring dogs with docked tails back to Québec
    • Re-evaluate the minimum length of the chain for a pack of dogs, examination of a female dog before mating, female dog being separated for 4 weeks after giving birth, record keeping and others.

Overall, the results of the survey show that although the majority of members are not impacted by the changes, a third of members have been significantly impacted financially, logistically and regarding dog events and competitions. 

All of the findings from this survey will shape CKC’s approach with the government regarding this important subject. We appreciate your input and will represent our members’ interests in the coming months. If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected].  

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