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December 2018

Gifts for Dog Lovers
December 21, 2018
nwhlogof-m-1.jpgFind the perfect gift for the dog lover in your life.

The great thing about being a dog lover is that everyone has an idea of what to get you for Christmas. The tough part about being a dog lover is that many of your loved ones don’t really know what you would really love to get as a gift and every year you end up with six puppy wall calendars and four paw print mugs.

Finding out exactly which area of interest the dog lover in your life is involved in will help you pick out a Christmas gift they’ll remember. Here are some great gifts to put on this year’s holiday shopping list:

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Holiday Safety Tips
December 19, 2018

503081582.jpgThe holidays are fast approaching. It’s the season to be with those you love most and that list definitely includes our wonderful dogs. It’s great fun to celebrate the festive times with our dogs, but certain holiday items and traditions can present danger to our pups.  With a little precaution, we can all enjoy a safe and joyful holiday season. Here are three holiday items that can present problems and how to avoid those problems.

Christmas trees present many potential hazards to our dogs. Whether real or artificial, Christmas tree needles are sharp and indigestible. Christmas tree lighting uses electric cords that dogs and especially puppies might chew and risk getting shocked or electrocuted.

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Remembering Dr. Richard Meen
December 12, 2018
Dick-at-awards-dinner.jpgThe Canadian Kennel Club (CKC) is deeply saddened by the passing of Dr. Richard Meen, a Canadian leader in the purebred dog fancy who inspired many. Our hearts go out to his family and friends around the world.

Born in 1940, Dr. Dick as he was affectionately known, was an accomplished psychiatrist and became involved with purebred dogs at the age of 25. While he bred and exhibited many breeds, it was Borzoi and Skye Terriers that captured his heart, breeding under the kennel prefix “Kishniga”. The accolades that Dr. Meen and his husband, Dr. John Reeve-Newson, achieved in the ring together were tremendous, setting top dog records and winning many Best in Shows with Dobermans, French Bulldogs, Old English Sheepdogs to name a few, and of course with his beloved Borzoi and Skye Terriers.

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CR136425-BENNETT,-JOAN-2484-PORTRAITS-2019.JPGThe final meeting of the Board of Directors that took place earlier this month was a tumultuous one for many reasons and perhaps a fitting representation of the ups and downs that were the year 2018.
The first order of business was to elect a Chair for the remainder of the 2018-2020 term.  Life member, Joan Bennett from Zone 11, BC South West was appointed.  Joan hit the ground running in order to complete a full agenda including items carried over from the September meeting.  Joan’s background in the dog fancy as well as the legal profession will ensure an efficient and open decorum at the table.  Congratulations, Joan!

With a large gallery in attendance, the meeting commenced with a moment of silence in memory of our good friend and past Chair, Larry Kereluke who continues to be sorely missed.   
Lance Novak Lance Novak
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