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January 2018

Sherri-s-Pic-1.jpgSponsored Content 

The World Dog Show has been called the most important dog show in the world. Boasting approximately 20, 000 entries and a new host country each year, the multi-day canine extravaganza is a once in a lifetime experience for attendees and competitors alike!

We recently caught up with Sherri Davidson, the lucky winner of a trip for two to the 2018 World Dog Show coming up this summer in Amsterdam. We asked her a few questions to see how she's handling the excitement of her upcoming trip.
conformation, world dog show conformation, world dog show
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construction.jpgWe are now in the beginning stages of 2018.  From my side of the desk, the calendar year might be over but we here at the office in Etobicoke, are putting the finishing touches on renovations that will consolidate floor space at a significant cost savings to the Club.   
Lance Novak Lance Novak
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