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September 2017

CGN004.jpgIt seems like only a couple of years ago I was organizing a few dogs and people for a photo shoot for the Canine Good Neighbour Handbook and Brochures.  All those dogs were early CGN titleholders and proved their good temperament and easy compatibility with their owners by behaving beautifully when faced with unique situations.  This is what the Canine Good Neighbour Program is all about. 

Those dogs were not models or trained canine actors; they were simply well socialized and moderately trained family pets.  Each of these dogs could pass the Canine Good Neighbour test but would not have been a star in the obedience ring. 

The Canine Good Neighbour evaluation is a basic test.  Can you and your dog be safe and welcome in public?  For the average dog to navigate the complexities and expectations placed on them by our increasingly controlled urban lifestyle requires a steady temperament, trust in humans, adaptability and tolerance for random instances of noise, people, trucks, buses, skateboards, toddlers, other dogs, elevators, and a bunch of other stuff that would fill a page.
Canine Good Neighbour, Naomi Kane, Responsible Dog Ownership Canine Good Neighbour, Naomi Kane, Responsible Dog Ownership
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Lure-Coursing.jpg- Sponsored Content -

With over 3000 CKC sanctioned events held across Canada each year, there are literally thousands of opportunities for you to enjoy great fun with your canine companion!

If you haven’t decided which style of event appeals most to you and your dog, you can start at the Overview of Events to find out more about each type of event.

Ready to compete? Once you have decided on your favourite event style, practiced at home or in class and are ready to enter your first event, the steps below will help you navigate the wide world of CKC dog events in Canada. Welcome to the fun!
agility, Conformation, How to, obedience agility, Conformation, How to, obedience
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Internatinal-Congress-2017-3.jpgThank you to all that took the time to comment on my first posting and for the encouraging words.  One of the advantages of this communication format is that it can be dynamic and address subjects in “real-time”.  Almost every week, I provide an update to the Board of Directors on things happening in the office.  I hope to leverage that report in some of my posts to you. 
Having said that, I feel like there is a lot of recent activity to catch up on.  For example, in June I had the privilege of attending an International Congress of Kennel Clubs that was hosted by The Kennel Club in London, England.  When I first heard about the invitation, I quickly nominated our Chair, Bob Rowbotham to make a presentation on behalf of CKC which he graciously agreed to.
Lance Novak Lance Novak
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picture.JPGUsing interviews with CKC members, this video series will give you an insider’s look at the canine competition world.

From classic Conformation dog shows to the new Chase Ability trials and all the friendships and fun in between, our video series will tell you what it’s like to participate in dog events and why we love it so much!
Conformation, Dog Show, Video Profile Conformation, Dog Show, Video Profile
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