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May 2017

FullSizeRender-4.jpgJust like you, I’m passionate about purebred dogs.  What’s more, I’m particularly proud of our Club’s many programs and initiatives that are dedicated to advancing the interests of purebred dogs, their owners and their breeders in Canada. 

While doing some spring-cleaning earlier this year, I came across some CKC obedience certificates and ribbons in the basement dated in the ‘1970’s.  It made me realize that CKC had a presence in my household for longer than I was aware and before I ever imagined working here.  After more than thirty years with Irish wolfhounds, I tend to still display a bias for the breed but I’ve since been tempted by all of the wonderful breeds I’ve been exposed to through the CKC.          

Lance Novak Lance Novak
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Puppy.jpgI don’t want homes for puppies, I want homes for adult dogs.  Puppies are easy to sell, ask any puppy mill or rescue. Puppies are snapped up in no time, then as adults they end up in rescue because the people who found the cutest puppy only wanted the puppy, not what the puppy grew up to be.

When people ask about my breed I tell them the good, the great and the not so great aspects of living with a dog this breed in particular.  I also tell them that they need to meet adult dogs and love them, really LOVE them before I will consider them as a home for one of my dogs...

breeder, Naomi Kane, puppy breeder, Naomi Kane, puppy
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