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Search Results

Finding and developing a great repour with a CKC member breeder is well worth the time and effort. Member breeders spend a great deal of time planning their breeding programs. In fact, many accountable breeders use sires and dams from outside of Canada to help strengthen and i...
/en/Choosing-a-Dog/Finding-an-Accountable-Breeder/Understanding-Dog-Importation 8/18/2022 3:37:16 PM
We’re pleased to provide you with the latest update regarding the Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) Dog Importation Rule effective August 1, 2024 ...
/en/News/2024/July/Update-on-CDC-Dog-Importation-Rule-en 7/23/2024 12:00:00 AM
How to have a safe and happy Halloween with your dog Halloween can be great fun for us, but the strangers, costumes, noises and disruption in routine can be very stressful for our dogs. Because your dog will probably not see Halloween in the same fun-filled light as...
/en/The-Dish/October-2019/Halloween-Safety-Tips 10/31/2019 9:53:13 AM
This common practice is actually an incredibly dangerous behaviour to allow while travelling There are so many things I love about dogs and “dog people”. Too many to list. On the other hand, I also have some pet peeves when it comes to the behaviours of dog owners. Allow...
/en/The-Dish/October-2020/Dogs-in-Cars-Why-Your-Dog-Should-Never-Ride-with 10/5/2020 2:26:37 PM
Some tips to make sure your dog safely enjoys Canada’s chilliest season. We winterize our homes and vehicles every fall. We take out our winter wardrobe to prepare for the cold but do you do the same for your beloved dog? Both city and country dogs face multiple hazards...
/en/The-Dish/November-2018/How-to-Winterize-Your-Dog 11/20/2018 9:43:04 AM
Having your dog comfortable in taking an elevator can be a huge benefit for both of you. Living in a city condo means taking your dog in the elevator several times a day so it’s an incredibly important skill to master. But, if you live in rural Alberta, you may have nev...
/en/The-Dish/September-2018/Dogs-and-Elevators 9/19/2018 11:48:24 AM
Origin Also known as Lapinkoira (Lapland dog), the Finnish Lapphund traces back to the historic hunting, and later herding dog of the Sami people who lived in regions of Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia above the Arctic Circle. The breed is a natural herder, used origi...
/en/Choosing-a-Dog/Choosing-a-Breed/Herding-Dogs/Finnish-Lapphund 2/6/2014 1:12:10 PM
The Canadian Kennel Club would like to feature our members' amazing dogs on our Instagram account - @CKC4thedogs.
/en/News/2016/February/Show-Off-Your-Dog-on-Instagram-CKC4thedogs 2/16/2016 12:00:00 AM
In view of the most recent announcement proposing breed-specific legislation in Montreal, CKC continues to reach out to government officials to reinforce our position, share our expertise and offer assistance in the development of legislation that is reasonable, enforceable an...
/en/News/2016/August/CKC-Continues-to-Work-with-Quebec-Officials-to-Pro 8/23/2016 12:00:00 AM
In collaboration with The Kennel Club, the CKC has added another avenue in which exhibitors can qualify their dogs for the world’s largest benched dog show. The Renaissance Dog Association Show held in Chilliwack, B.C. has been designated as a qualifying show.
/en/News/2017/September/CKC-Adds-New-Qualifying-Show-for-Crufts-2019 9/18/2017 12:00:00 AM
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