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CKC Continues to Work with Quebec Officials to Promote Non-Discriminatory Dangerous Dog Legislation

In view of the most recent announcement proposing breed-specific legislation in Montreal, CKC – representedNO-BSL.jpg by Quebec CKC Board Director, Linda St-Hilaire, continues to reach out to government officials to reinforce our position, share our expertise and offer assistance in the development of legislation that is reasonable, enforceable and non-discriminatory.

CKC vehemently opposes breed-specific legislation in favour of well-crafted dangerous dog legislation that promotes responsible dog ownership and serves to protect the citizens of Quebec.

We are also closely following developments surrounding a Quebec advisory panel’s report regarding dangerous dog legislation. Provincial legislators are expected to weigh in once the final report is received by end of this month.  

CKC will continue to monitor and respond to, dangerous dog legislation activity and will post updates to the CKC website as more information becomes available.
AccueilHome > News > 2016 > August > CKC Continues to Work with Quebec Officials to Promote Non-Discriminatory Dangerous Dog Legislation