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CKC Adds New Qualifying Show for Crufts 2019

In collaboration with The Kennel Club, the CKC has added another avenue in which exhibitors can qualify their dogs for the world’s largest benched dog show. The Renaissance Dog Association Show held in Chilliwack, B.C. has been designated as a qualifying show.

All group-placement winners (i.e., first, second, third and four in each group) at the Renaissance Dog Association show on Saturday, April 14, 2018, will be eligible to enter Crufts in 2019.  The designation of a qualifying show is in addition to the system already in place: A dog may qualify for Crufts if it has placed within the Top 5 in its group according to the Dogs in Canada Top Show Dog point system, or has won Best of Breed, Best of Opposite, Select Dog, Select Bitch or Award of Merit at its Breed National Specialty, as agreed by the Canadian Kennel Club.
For more information on Crufts, the UK Pet Travel Scheme requirements and rules regarding competing with cropped or docked dogs, please visit
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