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Cheers to last year’s Top Dogs, the Top Dogs of decades ago and the Top Dogs of tomorrow!
breeder, Canada, CKC member, Conformation, Dog Show, FAQs, Feel Good, Ian Lynch, obedience, purebred dogs, Top Dogs breeder, Canada, CKC member, Conformation, Dog Show, FAQs, Feel Good, Ian Lynch, obedience, purebred dogs, Top Dogs
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Did you know that all dogs can compete in CKC sanctioned events like Agility, Obedience, Rally Obedience, and Chase Ability?

With over 3000 CKC sanctioned events held across Canada in an average year, there are literally thousands of opportunities for you to enjoy great fun with your canine companion and meet other dog lovers!
agility, Conformation, Dog Show, FAQs, Herding, Ian Lynch, Junior Handling, obedience, Registration, Scent Detection, sprinter, Tips, training agility, Conformation, Dog Show, FAQs, Herding, Ian Lynch, Junior Handling, obedience, Registration, Scent Detection, sprinter, Tips, training
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Awarded CKC’s inaugural Obedience Competitor of the Year Award, we sat down through Zoom to learn all about Lee and how she got started in competitive Obedience
Canada, CKC member, Feel Good, Ian Lynch, interview, Lee Kozicki, obedience, Tips Canada, CKC member, Feel Good, Ian Lynch, interview, Lee Kozicki, obedience, Tips
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The Puppy Blues
April 14, 2021
"The Puppy Blues"

Everyone compliments your puppy, and you know they are great, so why do you feel so overwhelmed, anxious, regretful, or down? It's likely something we call the “Puppy Blues". The condition is usually temporary and you can read more about it in this blog.
Canada, How to, obedience, pet health, puppy, Responsible Dog Ownership, Tips, training Canada, How to, obedience, pet health, puppy, Responsible Dog Ownership, Tips, training
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"It is with great pride that I am pleased to announce that the Newfoundland (All Breed) Kennel Club (NKC) hosted one fabulous indoor show weekend from November 20th to the 22nd during the Covid-19 Pandemic."

Well for those of you who have been to Newfoundland & Labrador, there is one thing you already know. The folks of our beautiful province have incredible spirit and perseverance.  

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An Ode to Obedience Trials
December 04, 2020

"Now, in the absence of trials as we knew them, I realize there was both familiarity and comfort in many of the details of competition I hadn’t recognized before."

Like so many of you, I’ve spent large chunks of my adult life in obedience venues. My perception at the time was that there was pleasure in a few brief moments of any trial day, but that you had to plow through a considerable amount of tedium to harvest it.

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This common practice is actually an incredibly dangerous behaviour to allow while travelling 

There are so many things I love about dogs and “dog people”. Too many to list. On the other hand, I also have some pet peeves when it comes to the behaviours of dog owners. Allowing nails to overgrow, incorrect use of a retractable leash, and not picking up after their dogs, are just a few. Today I was reminded of one that is so common you probably see it every single day in nice weather: allowing a dog to ride with its head out of a car window.


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Nervous Around Children
September 24, 2020


My process of getting my dog comfortable around kids

Today, my partner sent me a video via text of my eighteen month old Dandie Dinmont Terrier in a nearby park playing happily with 3 children. The video was adorable and all parties seemed thrilled to be out in the sun together. Adorable videos like those are very special to me as my little Leroy wasn’t always comfortable around children.

Canada, CKC member, Feel Good, How to, Ian Lynch, obedience, Responsible Dog Ownership, safety, training Canada, CKC member, Feel Good, How to, Ian Lynch, obedience, Responsible Dog Ownership, safety, training
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The Retractable Leash
August 12, 2020
RaUZmzzsRD692ASjnjWD_iStock-999490664-1.jpgA popular tool that must be used with extreme caution
While I share a common bond with all dog owners, I have a few dog care (or rather, lack of dog care) pet peeves. One is seeing a dog with overgrown nails. Another is owners not picking up after their dogs. The third is the incorrect use of retractable leads.
Retractable leashes are incredibly common- you can buy them at every pet supply store, big box stores and online. It would be rare to meet a dog owner who hasn’t bought a retractable leash at some point in their life. 
Canada, FAQs, How to, Ian Lynch, obedience, pet health, puppy, Responsible Dog Ownership, Tips Canada, FAQs, How to, Ian Lynch, obedience, pet health, puppy, Responsible Dog Ownership, Tips
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GroupShotJustJuniors.jpgThe annual gathering of Canada’s most talented young dog handlers was witness to an unprecedented display of friendly competition, camaraderie and sportsmanship when the 17 competitors from across our vast country convened for the Canadian Kennel Club Junior Handling National Championships for Conformation and Obedience in Belleville, Ontario on October 26, 2019. 

Conformation, Dog Show, Junior Handling, Junior Nationals, obedience Conformation, Dog Show, Junior Handling, Junior Nationals, obedience
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Big City Dogs
November 07, 2019
pq1zpk7cQ7GUSU05wzop_iStock-488384172-1.jpgOwning a dog in a city apartment takes dedication, routine and a good pair of shoes.

I live downtown Toronto with my Standard Poodle and my Dandie Dinmont Terrier. Throughout the years of condo living in the big city with dogs, I’ve learned how to live in a tight space while still taking care of all my dogs’ needs.  Here are some tips and tricks I have learned while owning dogs in a big city apartment. If you are a dedicated owner, you too can give your dog a great life in the big city.
Canada, CKC member, How to, Ian Lynch, obedience, pet health, puppy, safety, Tips, training Canada, CKC member, How to, Ian Lynch, obedience, pet health, puppy, safety, Tips, training
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Belleville-and-District-Kennel-Club2.pngOn October 26th, 2019, Junior Handlers from across Canada will participate in the CKC Junior Handling National Championships hosted by the Belleville & District Kennel Club in Belleville, Ontario. Juniors will compete for the title of Best Overall Junior of 2018 in their discipline, Conformation or Obedience. In addition, the Conformation winner will have the chance to represent Canada at Crufts in England in March 2020.

​Please meet the talented and dedicated Junior Handling Provincial Zone Winners that are competing in this year’s National.

Canada, Conformation, Dog Show, Junior Handling, Junior Nationals, Juniors, obedience Canada, Conformation, Dog Show, Junior Handling, Junior Nationals, Juniors, obedience
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Your Adolescent Dog
October 21, 2019
ZljiCoMxRmCcHpWGn3tT_iStock-657542748.jpgYou WILL survive this phase with some knowledge, tricks and many withdrawals from your pool of patience! 

“What happened to my good puppy?” countless dedicated owners have asked themselves once their beloved pet turns 6 months mark and enters their “teenage months”. This period where your dog begins sexual maturity involves a ton of changes to your dog’s biological, physical, and psychological makeup. As a result, their behaviour is affected. 
Canada, CKC member, How to, Ian Lynch, obedience, Responsible Dog Ownership Canada, CKC member, How to, Ian Lynch, obedience, Responsible Dog Ownership
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Dogs and Skateboards
September 13, 2019
X8IOutbdTui6nljm4TLP_iStock-1061822610.jpgI personally have never had a dog who reacts towards skateboards. However, many of my friends have had this issue with their dogs and since I live in downtown Toronto, a day does not go by in the spring, summer and fall where I don’t see a dog freak out as a skateboard rolls by. Dogs being reactive to skateboards is common since skateboards seem to pop out everywhere there is pavement.

While some dogs see a skateboard and react with their prey drive, others react in fear. A number of factors make dogs anxious towards skateboards.
Canada, FAQs, Feel Good, How to, Ian Lynch, obedience, training Canada, FAQs, Feel Good, How to, Ian Lynch, obedience, training
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FjaPS0nPTcWsdUr7jSYG_The-Airedale-terrier-dog-sleeping-in-the-chair-843091562_2209x1361.jpegYour absence does not have to be traumatic. Routine is key. 

Don’t tell your kids, but back to school season is creeping up on us. The summer is a nice break from the regular routine and our four legged friends love having their pack with them all day. Many dog owners report having difficulty leaving their dog alone when September returns and the family must leave for work and school as the dog becomes vocal, anxious and destructive. 

Canada, Feel Good, How to, Ian Lynch, obedience, Tips Canada, Feel Good, How to, Ian Lynch, obedience, Tips
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4UaklsvgQiGY7nx3p9SN_Hudson-with-everyone-Day-3.jpgThe dog show world is something I have always been interested in but never thought I would get the chance to be a part of. When my husband Ross and I brought our Lagotto Romagnolo puppy Hudson home last year, he brought so much love into our world and he definitely kept us on our toes…this particular breed likes to keep busy! 
Dog Show, Feel Good, Lagotto Romagnolo, obedience, puppy Dog Show, Feel Good, Lagotto Romagnolo, obedience, puppy
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Victor-winning-the-race.jpgRecently I was eating breakfast with a colleague from work.  Of course, as many of our conversations go, we began to chat about our dogs.  Both of her dogs are mixed breeds and beautiful pets.  Nonetheless, she has always expressed an interest in my tales of dog showing.  I was telling her how Victor and I have been preparing for Obedience trials. I shared with her how proud I was the other morning when he mastered the hand signal for down ... 
CKC member, Conformation, Dog Show, Feel Good, obedience, training CKC member, Conformation, Dog Show, Feel Good, obedience, training
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We caught up with Lee of the amazing Lee and Scooter team while they were down in Florida enjoying a well-earned vacation. They have claimed the #1 Obedience Top Dogs spot for two years in a row, and Lee graciously expanded on her Top Dogs interview, offering some wonderful insight into the world of Obedience training and her work with Scooter. 
CKC Top Dogs, How to, Jackiy Boychuk, obedience, Tips, training CKC Top Dogs, How to, Jackiy Boychuk, obedience, Tips, training
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CKC-Moustache2.JPGOwning a Top Dog is an honour bestowed on few and remembered by all in the fancy. Taking a dog to the top of your chosen discipline requires hours upon hours of training, research, conditioning, grooming, travel and yes, it also takes money. It’s a feat that no owner gets to by themselves. Even before your puppy was yours, years of careful breeding went into that pup and countless people in the dog community helped bring you to this level.

As we approach the end of 2018, I thought it would be great to look back on how Canada’s Top Dogs began and revisit some great dogs of the past.

In 1963, First Top Show Dog Stats were introduced by Dogs in Canada magazine publisher, Elizabeth Dunn. At this time they were referred to as the “Blue Book of Top Winning Dogs”. This list presented the Top 3 all breeds, Top 3 in Group and Top 3 in each breed. The formula wasn’t always consistent; some years included only the total points, while others total points, plus the number of Best of Breed, Group placements and Best in Show wins. Joan Morden was the first recorded statistician for the Top Show Dogs. A memorial trophy in her honour was awarded to the Top Show Dog up until 2010.
Agility, CKCTopDogs, Conformation, Obedience, Rally Agility, CKCTopDogs, Conformation, Obedience, Rally
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Retrieve-over-jump-Photo-Brian-Gray-Swansea-Dog-Obedience.jpgA well-trained dog holds a universal appeal like no other. Dog obedience competitions and demonstrations are wildly popular at fairs and festivals across the country and many of us have fond memories of the spectacular stunts of Lassie, the Littlest Hobo, Winn-Dixie and Beethoven.

Throughout the history of humankind’s interaction with the dog, across the globe and for a multitude of functions, some degree of training has been part of this relationship. In the early days, it was to complement their ‘job,’ accompanying the hunter to retrieve game or tending to a shepherd’s flock.

CKC Top Dogs, Obedience CKC Top Dogs, Obedience
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Lure-Coursing.jpg- Sponsored Content -

With over 3000 CKC sanctioned events held across Canada each year, there are literally thousands of opportunities for you to enjoy great fun with your canine companion!

If you haven’t decided which style of event appeals most to you and your dog, you can start at the Overview of Events to find out more about each type of event.

Ready to compete? Once you have decided on your favourite event style, practiced at home or in class and are ready to enter your first event, the steps below will help you navigate the wide world of CKC dog events in Canada. Welcome to the fun!
agility, Conformation, How to, obedience agility, Conformation, How to, obedience
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