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July 2019

FjaPS0nPTcWsdUr7jSYG_The-Airedale-terrier-dog-sleeping-in-the-chair-843091562_2209x1361.jpegYour absence does not have to be traumatic. Routine is key. 

Don’t tell your kids, but back to school season is creeping up on us. The summer is a nice break from the regular routine and our four legged friends love having their pack with them all day. Many dog owners report having difficulty leaving their dog alone when September returns and the family must leave for work and school as the dog becomes vocal, anxious and destructive. 

Canada, Feel Good, How to, Ian Lynch, obedience, Tips Canada, Feel Good, How to, Ian Lynch, obedience, Tips
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This year I was lucky enough to watch the Westminster Dog Show live on TV, which was held at Madison Square Gardens in New York in February. I remember watching the herding group and recognizing Elaine Paquette with her Bouvier Baby Lars. When she won, I was thrilled! It was a huge win for Elaine and Baby Lars, made it all the more special because it was a Canadian dog and handler team. Recently, I had the privilege to interview her and learn more about the breed as well as all about their amazing win!
Canada, CKC member, Feel Good, interview, nutrition, pet health, Westminster Canada, CKC member, Feel Good, interview, nutrition, pet health, Westminster
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Fort-Garry-Kennel-Club-pic.jpgThe Fort Garry Kennel Club celebrates its 100thAnniversary with a commemorative dog show. 

This year marks the 100thanniversary of the Fort Garry Kennel Club. This milestone offers a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the Club’s history and the many important contributions it has made. 

CKC had the opportunity to talk to Geraldine Taylor, Fort Garry Kennel Club’s current president, who gave us some insight into the club’s work in promoting purebred dogs and dog sports in Canada for over a century. 

Best in Show, Canada, CKC member, Dog Show, Feel Good Best in Show, Canada, CKC member, Dog Show, Feel Good
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i1xcQACGQu2JRjBehRHR_RC-AR-July-6-7-2019-031.jpgA great way to introduce the public to purebred dogs
As a writer and influencer for the Canadian Kennel Club I’m always thinking of ideas to introduce the public to purebred dogs or to remind them of the great, predictable qualities they have.
While dog shows are a fantastic place to learn about the CKC’s many incredible breeds, if you don’t know who to ask, a newcomer to the dog world might leave with only visual memories of beautiful dogs and questions left unanswered. 
Canada, CKC member, Dog Show, Feel Good, Tips Canada, CKC member, Dog Show, Feel Good, Tips
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ugly-xmas-judges.jpgThe Regina Kennel and Obedience Club hosted their first annual Prairie Christmas Shows and Trials in December. 
If you didn’t attend the Regina Kennel and Obedience Club’s Prairie Christmas Shows and Trials, you will wish you had! On December 7- 9, the RKOC hosted their 102ndevent; however, this wasn’t any ordinary event- this was the first annual Prairie Christmas Shows and Trials. 
Canada, CKC member, Dog Show, Feel Good, Holiday Canada, CKC member, Dog Show, Feel Good, Holiday
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_MG_9544.jpgCertainly, a prevalent theme from my side of the desk over the past several months has been canine health and wellness.  This is something inherent in CKC’s purpose, mission and strategic plans - and the discussions, commitment and actions on the subject lately have been very encouraging. 

At the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Winnipeg this past June, there was opportunity to exchange information and ideas, recognize long standing members of merit and generally celebrate the purebred dog fancy.

Lance Novak Lance Novak
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znx0u0OoRn3JyEApOVS3_Sky-Flame.jpgPerhaps a set of dog shows might be the last place where you would expect to witness it; however, a dog show is where you can see comradery of mankind at its finest. Comradery is that sense of warm feelings of friendship, closeness and loyalty shared among a group of people. 
Canada, CKC member, Dog Show, Feel Good Canada, CKC member, Dog Show, Feel Good
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Lloyd-2-1.jpgEvery year, CKC holds its Annual General Meeting (AGM) in a different city, making it easier for local members, in addition to Staff and Board Members, to attend this annual event. It also provides CKC with the wonderful opportunity to recognize some of the local members that have contributed to CKC and the purebred dog community.

As CKC owes its existence and continued success to the vision, hard work and dedication of its members, the tradition of celebrating local members began at the 2016 AGM in Quebec City.  It has continued through to this year’s AGM on June 1 in Winnipeg,  where CKC recognized some remarkable Manitoba members. 
agility, Best of Breed, breeder, Canada, CKC member, Conformation, Conformation Judge agility, Best of Breed, breeder, Canada, CKC member, Conformation, Conformation Judge
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4cMtja89Rr2HFQWczFAf_IMG_5089.JPGSix of the CKC’s most common inquiries answered

The Canadian Kennel Club employs a team of hard working Membership Services representatives. The team consists of both English and French speaking staff. The team takes calls, email and even corresponds via Live Chat on from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST, Monday to Friday. While many issues pertaining to dogs are complicated and do require a conversation with a membership services representative, many questions have fairly straight forward answers, so I asked a member of the team to send me a few commonly asked questions for the first in a series of blogs on the CKC’s FAQs.
CKC member, FAQs, Ian Lynch, IT4YOU, Registration, Tips CKC member, FAQs, Ian Lynch, IT4YOU, Registration, Tips
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