Origin The Parson Russell’s heritage goes back to the Rev. John Russell, who bred a predominantly white terrier, long in the leg, rangy and racy, with the stamina required to run with hounds in pursuit of fox. Descended from the fox-hunting terriers of the late 18th and ...
2/3/2021 10:47:27 AM
Origin The Black and Tan Coonhound is a direct descendant of the Bloodhounds brought to the English colony of Virginia. His initial job was to trail raccoons and help to rid farmers of this nuisance animal but night coon trials in the southern states have become a popula...
2/6/2014 1:16:08 PM
Origin One of the world’s oldest and rarest breeds, the Xoloitzcuintli (pronounced show-low-eets-queent-lee) can be called the first dog of the Americas. The name is derived from the Aztec god Xolotl and the Aztec word for dog Itzcuintli. Highly prized for their curative...
2/6/2014 1:25:47 PM
Origin Sigismund Freiherr von Zedlitz und Neukirch was convinced that a cross between a Pointer and a Poodle was the only road to an ideal German pointing dog. In the first crossing, a black Poodle bitch named ‘Molly’ was bred to a Pointer named ‘Tell,’ descended from th...
2/6/2014 1:27:50 PM
The Canadian Kennel Club wishes to congratulate the Executive and members of the Havanese Fanciers of Canada Inc. on being nominated and winning an Award of Excellence by the Dog Writers Association of America in the category of Club Special Publication for "The Havanese Illus...
4/15/2015 12:00:00 AM
The 2015 World Dog Show takes centrestage June 10 to 14, in Milan, Italy. Considered one of the largest dog shows in the world, this year’s event holds true to form, boasting a total entry of 29,416.
6/8/2015 12:00:00 AM
The College of Veterinarians of British Columbia implemented a ban on the tail docking of dogs, effective November 8, 2016.
11/21/2016 12:00:00 AM
This is a reminder that the following breeds became eligible for competition in 2022 and 2023 ...
3/14/2023 12:00:00 AM
CKC Webinars & Other Resources Looking to further your education with the latest information on best practices in breeding, dog health and wellness, marketing, advocacy, or conducting your business with CKC? CKC’s online Portal has a collection of seminars & videos on...
2/21/2023 12:49:17 PM
Careful consideration and research are required when adding a dog into your life Are you hoping to own a dog in the near future? Every time one of my friends tell me that they are seriously considering buying a dog, I offer to text them every time I spend time with or mon...
3/29/2019 9:41:29 AM
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