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Notice to Conformation Judges & Clubs Re: New Breeds – Judging Panel Applications

This is a reminder that the following breeds became eligible for competition in 2022 and 2023:
Yakutian Laika
Biewer Terrier
Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen
Appenzeller Sennenhund
Bergamasco Shepherd Dog

In accordance with CKC policy, CKC All Breed Judges and Breed/Group Judges that are licensed or on permit to judge groups in which these new breeds have been designated, will be required to successfully complete an Open Book Test.

Notices were sent out to all Conformation Judges each time the required Open Book Test became available.

The Breed Standards and Open Book Tests for all of these breeds, with the exception of the Yakutian Laika, are available on the CKC website under Events, CKC Breed Standards, New Breed Open Book Test.

For the Yakutian Laika Open Book Test please e-mail [email protected] with the subject line Yakutian Laika.

This reminder is being sent as many Judging Panel Applications are being held up due to the fact that judges have not completed the Open Book Tests.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the staff in the Event Planning Department in Shows and Trials. The completed tests can be e-mailed to: [email protected].
AccueilHome > News > 2023 > March > Notice to Conformation Judges & Clubs Re: New Breeds – Judging Panel Applications