The Canadian Kennel Club works tirelessly to promote and ensure a fair, accurate representation of all purebred dogs. Our representatives attend political meetings nationally and advocate on behalf of our members on issues ranging from dangerous dog and breed specific legi...
12/16/2013 12:57:51 PM
If you are aged 4 to 17 and love dogs, Junior Handling could be the sport for you - the dog sport, that is! The CKC Junior Handling program offers Obedience and Conformation competitions just for children and youth. You can learn all about dogs - how to care for, groom, tr...
6/27/2018 10:40:31 AM
If you are aged 4 to 17 and love dogs, Junior Handling could be the sport for you - the dog sport, that is! The CKC Junior Handling program offers Obedience and Conformation competitions just for children and youth. You can learn all about dogs - how to care for, groom, tr...
6/27/2018 10:40:31 AM
As you may know, under limited circumstances, the U.S. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) may issue a permit for a dog that has not received a rabies vaccination, to allow dogs into the United States when requested in advance and when specific criteria are met.
5/14/2018 12:00:00 AM
Recently I was eating breakfast with a colleague from work. Of course, as many of our conversations go, we began to chat about our dogs. Both of her dogs are mixed breeds and beautiful pets. Nonetheless, she has always expressed an interest in my tales of dog showing. I wa...
3/28/2019 12:07:21 PM
Responsible dog breeders know that the holiday season is never a good time to introduce a new puppy. That’s why the Canadian Kennel Club’s ‘A Dog is for Life: Not a holiday gift' campaign discourages Canadians from giving puppies as gifts, especially surprise gifts.
12/1/2016 12:00:00 AM
The Canadian Kennel Club (CKC) is pleased to share that an awareness campaign was launched today that calls on new dog owners to see beyond the look of a dog and do their research, in order to find a pet that best suits their needs and lifestyle.
4/17/2019 12:00:00 AM
8/4/2016 11:08:00 AM
8/4/2016 11:12:32 AM
Origin This natural breed of Israel dates back to pre-Biblical times and was the guard and herding dog of the ancient Israelites. As the Hebrew population was dispersed, many Canaans took up residence in the Negev Desert and remained mostly undomesticated except for some...
2/6/2014 1:44:44 PM
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