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A Dog is for Life: Not a holiday gift

Responsible dog breeders know that the holiday season is never a good time to introduce a new puppy. That’s why the Canadian Kennel Club’s  ‘A Dog is for Life: Not a holiday gift' campaign discourages Canadians from giving puppies as gifts, especially surprise gifts.

Instead, new owners are encouraged to take their time to carefully choose the right dog for their family and lifestyle—and to welcome it home only when they are able to provide a calm and structured environment.

Breeders have a role to play, too! If you have puppies ready for new homes in December, be sure to have a serious discussion about the challenges of welcoming or caring for a new dog during the busy holiday season.  Support owners welcoming new family members early in the month by providing tips and tricks to help ensure a low stress, routine rich transition.

For puppies ready to go later in the month, avoid puppy deliveries on or around December 25th, particularly for families with young children.  Instead, encourage your puppy buyers to wrap a photo, a book about training, or supplies like leashes, dishes or toys.  Waiting even a few days will make all the difference in the world to the long-term success of your puppy and its new family. 
How do you handle holiday season puppies?  Have a creative approach to building excitement about a new arrival without wrapping up a puppy?  Share your ideas at
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