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M9C 5K6
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Notice to All Clubs That Hold Agility Events

We would like to provide some clarification in an effort to assist the clubs and the CKC. When the information is submitted to the CKC efficiently, it causes less delays and questions.

There must be one Statement of Event Fees form completed for each event number. The following number of dogs must be included on the form:
  • All Entered Dogs (This includes dogs the were marked absent)
  • Dogs with Temporary Competition Numbers
  • For Fun Only
There must be one marked catalogue for each event number. At the end of each event catalogue, the following information should be included:
  • Entire stake, level & division appears in the catalogue – i.e., “Master Excellent Jumpers With Weaves 1 – Selected”.
  • Catalogue should be in order of level for each stake
  • Entire dog name must appear in the catalogue, please note if they are missing from the entry form it would be considered incomplete and should not be accepted.
  • Total number entered
  • Total number qualifying
  • Secretary’s signature
  • Clearly designate FFO
Judge Approvals:
Any events with both a Designing & Officiating Judge must be clearly indicated on the application
Once we have approved a judging panel, you must notify the CKC of any changes prior to judges submitting courses for approval. Any courses received that do not match what is approved, will not be accepted. The club will need to contact the CKC to correct any discrepancies before final course design approval. Judges must receive a copy of their approval letter.
AccueilHome > News > 2024 > November > Notice to All Clubs That Hold Agility Events