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Members Invited to Submit Feedback to CKC Re: Implementation of Québec Animal Welfare Regulation

With changes to Québec's Regulation respecting the welfare and safety of domestic companion animals and equines, coming into effect on February 10, 2024, we encourage you to review a summary of the key measures of this Regulation (French only) created by the Ministère de l'Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l'Alimentation du Québec (MAPAQ) as well as the Implementation Guide (French only)
In December, we will have the opportunity to attend a stakeholder webinar regarding the Regulation hosted by MAPAQ representatives, which includes a Q&A. We understand that members will have questions prior to the transition in February, and this opportunity will allow us to ask specific questions and obtain clarification on points that may be of concern to members.
To ensure that your concerns are well represented, we invite you to send your questions to [email protected] before November 24, 2023. We will compile all the questions received and aim to present them during the webinar.


Since June 2023, CKC, with our Québec consultant, have been working to build relations with MAPAQ and to represent the interests of CKC members and purebred dogs.
This includes:  
  • Discussions with MAPAQ staff on June 7 regarding the new Regulation
  • Discussions with other Québec purebred dog breeder groups
  • Participation in MAPAQ stakeholder consultation on June 16 ​
  • Follow-up discussions with the Minister’s office over the summer ​
  • Fall meetings with MAPAQ​ to discuss new Regulation and Implementation Guide

In addition, the report on the June stakeholder consultations should be made public either late fall or early 2024.
Changes to Quebec’s animal welfare legislation regarding health, safety and welfare standards for animal care, licensing, and other measures, have been under review since 2019, with the most recent changes taking effect in February 2024. A provincial veterinary ban on veterinary medical procedures was in effect from 2017 to 2020 until the ban was rescinded as OMVQ did not have the regulatory authority to prohibit veterinary or non-veterinary procedures.
CKC continues to meet with MAPAQ, to advocate for purebred dogs and ensure the interests of CKC members are well represented. CKC looks forward to engaging with you and your club and remains committed to working collaboratively with the Ministry and political officials in support of the health and wellbeing of all dogs.
AccueilHome > News > 2023 > November > Members Invited to Submit Feedback to CKC Re: Implementation of Québec Animal Welfare Regulation