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Update from the Executive Director

Dear CKC Members,
It has been almost one month since the new online Portal was launched and I want to update you on some of our progress and challenges.
Online Dog Registrations and Applications
All types are now available on the Portal, including:
  • Individual Canadian-Born Dogs (with litter registration numbers previously issued);
  • Imported Dogs and Foreign-Born Dogs; and
  • Miscellaneous Certification numbers, Event Registration Numbers, Performance Event Numbers, Canine Companion Numbers and Temporary Competition Numbers.
  • Even if you have submitted paperwork to CKC to be processed, you are welcome to submit dog applications online. They will not be duplicated.
  • Staff are working through the backlog of registration applications as quickly as possible and confirmations are sent to our members daily.  As of the date of this message, most dog applications received up to late-October are completed. You can log onto your Portal account to determine the status of your applications in your My Applications listing.
Note: status is available if your applications are in progress.
Upcoming Releases
  • Online Litter Registrations: next week
  • Searchable Event Results up to August 28: within the next three weeks
  • Shows and Trials Points after August 28: late December/early January (Due to the processing backlog, 2019 event results are expected to be completed later than usual in 2020,)
Your Feedback Helps
Using feedback from CKC members, we have made important modifications to the Portal. The most recent include:
  • My Dogs listings now exclude inactive (including deceased) dogs;
  • Missing dogs have been added to My Dogs listings. Please complete this form to notify Staff if you have missing dogs; and
  • Transfer dates and dog birthdates have been corrected and our focus is now on Portal user birthdates.
Other Important Information
  • To support CKC members participating in American Kennel Club (AKC) events, CKC contacted the AKC Sports and Events Department to make them aware of the delay in CKC dog registrations. AKC agreed that 30 days after attendance at an AKC event, owners of CKC registered dogs may submit a 90-day extension form and continue to compete and accumulate points. If needed, a second 90-day extension can be acquired.
  • If you haven’t accessed the portal yet, these quick instructions on creating a portal account will help get you started and make the most of your portal account.
On behalf of all CKC Staff, thank you for your support and patience as we work to overcome challenges as well as incorporate user suggestions. With each new portal function release, we move closer to our commitment to provide you with a system that is reliable, sustainable, and convenient.
If you have any questions or need assistance using the online portal, please contact the office at 1-855-364-7252 toll-free or [email protected]. We welcome the opportunity to show you how you can conduct your CKC business using the new online functions.

Lance Novak
Executive Director, Canadian Kennel Club
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