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Portal Updates and Releases

Learn more about updates, releases and understand key milestones. 


Release 4.0 - January 20, 2020:   

Birthdates Displaying Correctly
The issue causing birthdates to be displayed incorrectly by one day on the portal has been resolved. All dog birthdate(s) were always correct in CKC’s main IT system, even though they appeared one day off when you logged into your online portal account. This update was implemented system wide. 
Consent Emails
The issue requiring foreign breeders and other past owners to provide consent to a registration application when they are no longer an owner has been resolved. This email is no longer being sent. 
Dog and Litter Registration Emails requesting consent from owners or co-owners have been improved to ensure a simplified process. 


Previous Releases:    

Release 3.0- January 7, 2020

Improved dog & litter application emails
Once an application is submitted in the online portal, an automatic email will confirm a successful application submission and now includes details of the dog/litter registered for your records.

Dog Email EN

New Owner - email addresses no longer required
When a dog is transferred to a new owner, email addresses are no longer required for the new owners.

New owner emails
Automatic emails to new puppy/dog owners to consent to dog registrations and to join the CKC Portal have been turned off.

Members can manually enter addresses
To ensure accuracy, the CKC Portal uses the Canada Post database to autofill and update address information. This release gives members the ability to override the Canada Post address should their data in Canada Posts’ database be incomplete or incorrect.

Manually Enter - EN

Microchips 900x and 990x are now supported
This release gives members the ability to register 900x and 990x microchip numbers.

Release 2.0- December 30, 2019 

Online Litter Registrations
This release gives members the ability to submit all litters for registration on the portal, including those with CKC Registered Sires, Foreign Registered Sires, Multiple Sires and Artificially Inseminated litters. 



All Past Updates:    

Tuesday, December 3: NOW AVAILABLE: Online Dog Registrations

CKC has launched Online Dog Registrations on the Portal ... READ MORE  
Tuesday, December 3: Registered Dog Names Up to 50 Characters!

Registered dog names can now contain a maximum of 50 CHARACTERS, due to a recent amendment to the CKC By-laws on July 24. The update also allows for greater flexibility to change a dog’s name after the current restriction of 60 days from the date of registration, to up to one year from the date of registration... READ MORE

Tuesday, December 3: Changes to Registration Numbers and Event Submission Requirements

CKC has updated its dog registration numbering system as of November 1st, 2019 ... READ MORE


Tuesday, December 3: Temporary Competition Numbers: Self-serve Online Registration for Listed Dogs

With the implementation of CKC’s IT system, a new process requires all owners of unregistered, recognized breeds entering events to obtain a Temporary Competition Number (TCN)... READ MORE

Monday, December 2: NOW AVAILABLE: Online Membership Renewals!
For the first time in CKC’s 130-year history, CKC members can renew their memberships online... READ MORE


Tuesday, November 12: An Update on CKC’s New Online Portal

Over the weekend we officially launched CKC’s new online Portal. We’ve received lots of feedback from our members, with over 1,400 profiles successfully created!... READ MORE 


Wednesday, October 30: IT System Launch Update

At CKC we have wrapped up the data transfer from the old IT system and completing the final stages of testing and preparing to release the first wave of key features to our community on November 4th... READ MORE

Wednesday, October 23: CKC's New IT System: What to Expect at Launch

In just a few short weeks on November 4th, CKC’s new IT system will launch providing CKC members with significant improvements and access to personalized information. Here are a few of the key features CKC members can expect on November 4th...READ MORE


It’s been another exciting year at the Canadian Kennel Club, with our 130th year filled with positive growth and advancement. As we invest in new technology, national advocacy efforts and increased member benefits to serve the CKC community, we continue to guide and advance crucial programs like Junior Handling, breeder education opportunities, and responsible dog ownership public education.... READ MORE

Thursday, October 10: CKC's New IT System and Online Portal will Launch November 4th

An announcement from the Chair of the Board of Directors and the Executive Director of the Canadian Kennel Club......READ MORE

Friday, October 4: Letter from the Executive Director: CKC's IT System Replacement 

Recently CKC released a notice that CKC will be undergoing an IT System Outage October 11th – November 4th in preparation for the transition to our new IT system.....READ MORE

Friday, September 20: Upcoming CKC IT System Outage: October 11th - November 4th
CKC is replacing its IT system to bring CKC members an enhanced user experience with tools that make doing business with CKC more efficient......READ MORE

Thursday, September 5: Pay-As-You-Go Reminder: Member Credit is No Longer Available

As you likely know, CKC is moving forward with a significant project called IT4YOU, that will completely revamp CKC’s IT system, offering members an enhanced user experience with tools that make doing business with CKC more efficient.
The new system will be pay-as-you-go, which will require payment in full to complete your application....READ MORE



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