2017 Election/Referendum FAQs
Why should I vote?
As a Member you hold the future direction of the Club in your hands. Voting in the 2017 Election/Referendums is an important part of having your member voice heard and sharing your expertise, ideas and opinions will help make the Club stronger.
How do I vote?
Online or
To ensure that we have your current email address on file, please contact Membership Services at
[email protected] or call
416-674-3699 or
When does voting take place?
November 1st, 00:01 EDT and
November 30th, 23:59 EST.
Note: If you plan to mail your ballot, paper ballots must be received by
Thursday, November 30th. Please allow enough time for Canada Post to deliver your ballot on time.
Still have questions?
Let us know at
[email protected] and we will continue to expand our FAQs list.