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October 2020

A warm welcome to the Glen of Imaal Terrier, the Shikoku and the Mudi!
The Canadian Kennel Club received Ministerial approval from Agriculture Canada on Friday, October 9th on the 2016 Special Referendum which means there are 12 breeds that are now eligible for registrations as a recognized breed!
Advocacy, breeder, Canada, Ian Lynch, terrier Advocacy, breeder, Canada, Ian Lynch, terrier
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Keeping Your Place Fresh
October 27, 2020

How to keep the dog smell out of your dog loving home

I have to admit that it makes me proud when visitors to my house comment on how they would “never know I have so many dogs”. Truth be told I only have 3 dogs currently so it’s not that many (in my opinion), but I do work hard to make sure my house does not smell like my house is overrun with dogs. After I receive the compliment, I usually joke to my guests that I believe “dogs should be seen not smelt”. Jokes aside, keeping your home free from doggy odours does require some chores and commitment, but the following steps can help you keep a cleaner, healthier home for both you and your dog.

Canada, CKC member, FAQs, Feel Good, grooming, How to, Ian Lynch, pet health, Responsible Dog Ownership Canada, CKC member, FAQs, Feel Good, grooming, How to, Ian Lynch, pet health, Responsible Dog Ownership
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This common practice is actually an incredibly dangerous behaviour to allow while travelling 

There are so many things I love about dogs and “dog people”. Too many to list. On the other hand, I also have some pet peeves when it comes to the behaviours of dog owners. Allowing nails to overgrow, incorrect use of a retractable leash, and not picking up after their dogs, are just a few. Today I was reminded of one that is so common you probably see it every single day in nice weather: allowing a dog to ride with its head out of a car window.

Canada, FAQs, How to, Ian Lynch, obedience, safety, Summer, Tips, training Canada, FAQs, How to, Ian Lynch, obedience, safety, Summer, Tips, training
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