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November 2018

All-Competitors-1.jpgCKC’s Junior Handling National Championships celebrates the accomplishments and talent of dedicated Junior Handlers from across the country. Bringing together the top Juniors in both Conformation and Obedience, the Junior Nationals is more than a competition – it is an opportunity for some of our most promising, up and coming handlers to see and be seen by fellow canine aficionados in different parts of our spectacular country. Friendships that begin at this event can last a lifetime, bonding contestants as they laugh and learn together, supporting one another as they prepare for the challenge of their respective rings. 
Conformation, junior handling, junior nationals Conformation, junior handling, junior nationals
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gQo3TpkhTn9WXeGQzYJA_29025538_10156291012049187_2200693087297077248_n-1-1.jpgMy name is Caroline Holicka, and I had the honour of representing Canada at the International Junior Handling Competition at Crufts this past March. It was one of the best experiences of my life, not only because I had the chance to compete with the best junior handlers in the world, but also because of the love and support I received from our dog show community.

Before I get into the details of my trip, I have to take you back about 10 years, to when my handling career began. I was seven years old, with pigtails and chubby cheeks. My family had just purchased our first boxer, and we started to attend shows sporadically. My mom showed Lambada, our girl, while I was the designated clapper, and even an occasional towel holder. It was a great job, one of my favourites, until one day I got a promotion.

Conformation, Junior Handling, Junior Nationals Conformation, Junior Handling, Junior Nationals
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How to Winterize Your Dog
November 20, 2018
JNCgMgPtT26IVCTGg6VY_139257874.jpgWe winterize our homes and vehicles every fall. We take out our winter wardrobe to prepare for the cold but do you do the same for your beloved dog? Both city and country dogs face multiple hazards in the winter but, with a little bit of preparation, some awareness and a few tips, your dog can smoothly sail through the winter months right into spring. 

Dogs aren’t able to bundle up the same way we do when the cold comes. Depending on the length and texture of your dog’s coat, you might need to invest in a proper winter jacket for your best bud. It is important for dogs to conserve body heat, especially if they have health conditions, are young, old, small or thin.
Canada, How to, Ian Lynch Canada, How to, Ian Lynch
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