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May 2020

Meet the Leonberger
May 22, 2020

EEdjWZzmRbmTjZ0C6p0F_Archer-standing-Jan-2009.JPGA huge dog with a heart to match, the Leonberger is a whole lot of awesome when put in the right home.

Standing as tall as 31 and a half inches at the shoulder with thick yellow gold to red-brown, medium-long coat and a black masked face that holds soulful eyes – it’s hard to forget a Leonberger once you’ve met one.

FAQs, Feel Good, Ian Lynch, Meet the Breeds, Responsible Dog Ownership, Tips FAQs, Feel Good, Ian Lynch, Meet the Breeds, Responsible Dog Ownership, Tips
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Indoor Recess!
May 04, 2020
rM5urxRT56AMeV0r6X5U_iStock-1135151241.jpgExercising your dog’s mind and body inside your home

Can’t take your dog outside? Don’t worry, there’s plenty of ways to entertain them. I call these activities “indoor recess” as they remind me of rainy or blizzarding days growing up where we would have to spend recess inside and the (poor) teachers would have to find ways to drain our energy inside the classroom. 
Feel Good, How to, Ian Lynch, pet health, Tips Feel Good, How to, Ian Lynch, pet health, Tips
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