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May 2019

All photos by Lesley R. FinlayManitoba Junior Kennel Club host’s the first CKC sanctioned Stand-Alone Junior Handling Competition
In 2018, Beth Chopey, Zone 8 Junior Handling Representative for the Manitoba Junior Kennel Club, had a meeting with her friend and the Manitoba Director for the Canadian Kennel Club, Mr. Larry Kereluke. The two were discussing ideas and plans for the Manitoba Junior Kennel Club, as well as the success they had when the Northwinds Dog Club held a dog show in conjunction with the Winnipeg Pet Show earlier in the year. At that event Junior Handling was offered both days and drew a large crowd, as well as gathered interest from new people who became members of the MJKC. Like most provinces, Manitoba has seen a decline in dog show entries which has caused some clubs to fold. Larry and Beth discussed the future of the dog show world, and ideas on how to keep the interest alive.
Canada, Dog Show, How to, Ian Lynch, Junior Handling, Juniors, Tips, Winnipeg Canada, Dog Show, How to, Ian Lynch, Junior Handling, Juniors, Tips, Winnipeg
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viyBRD3VTqGaQmpzGsKf_951784846.jpgA few tips on attending your first Dog Show!

Even if you have watched “Best in Show” in its entirety, it’s tough for a first-time spectator to prepare themselves for an all-breed dog show. Between the dogs being groomed on tables, dogs being brought out to exercise, loudspeakers, numbers called out, vendors chatting and dogs of all sizes walking in all directions, it can be confusing for the new comer. Not to mention that the “ring” where your favourite breed is being judged is actually a rectangle.

agility, Best in Show, Best of Breed, Best of Group, Canada, Dog Show, How to, Ian Lynch, Tips agility, Best in Show, Best of Breed, Best of Group, Canada, Dog Show, How to, Ian Lynch, Tips
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Dog Shows 101
May 16, 2019
uPia1nhIRe2xPQ0nQ7c3_IMG_0272.jpgDog shows are enjoyable and educational, but many find the process of how the eliminations work quite confusing. This blog will explain how a dog show works, from the classes to Best in Show.


Conformation dog shows have a rich history dating back to the Victorian era in Britain, where they became a phenomenon that spread around the world. We have had dog shows celebrating purposefully bred dogs here in North America since the late 19th century. 
Photo by: Clint Ellery
Best in Show, Best of Breed, Best of Group, breeder, Canada, Dog Show, Feel Good, Ian Lynch, judging, world dog show Best in Show, Best of Breed, Best of Group, breeder, Canada, Dog Show, Feel Good, Ian Lynch, judging, world dog show
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dyBBl6EMTkur8i5zHjD9_91351771.jpgEnjoy cottage country safely with your best friend.

Dogs and cottages seem to go hand in hand: the great outdoors and lots of free time to spend with your best friend. So many of my fondest cottage memories involve my dogs, and each summer I look forward to making more. Cottages can be fun for dogs, but the experience presents several hazards. With a little knowledge and planning, you can safely enjoy the cottage with your dog this year.
Canada, Feel Good, Holiday, Ian Lynch, Responsible Dog Ownership, safety, Summer, Tips Canada, Feel Good, Holiday, Ian Lynch, Responsible Dog Ownership, safety, Summer, Tips
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CKCZoeyScott1.JPGZoey Scott’s debut in the conformation ring at the Champlain Dog Club Show in April has many members of the dog show community talking.

Prior to entering the ring for the first time on April 20 at the show in Petawawa, Ontario, Zoey Scott had only attended one dog show– the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show in New York City. The show at the Garden sparked her interest in the sport and upon returning to Ottawa, Zoey signed up for handling classes. She immediately fell in love with the sport and would look forward to her weekly class. During her third class, Zoey began to work with Pointer, KRA N Zensu Tennessee Whiskey, call name “Daniel”. Daniel and Zoey were a great match, and the young Pointer responded very well to Zoey.
Canada, Conformation, Dog Show, Feel Good, Ian Lynch, interview, pointer Canada, Conformation, Dog Show, Feel Good, Ian Lynch, interview, pointer
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Some tips and tricks for training and hosting a scent detection trial.

The CKC’s inaugural scent detection trial was a great success! Hosted by the North Gower Dog Club on Sunday, March 17, 2019, 71 runs were held with 11 Scent Detection Instinct (SDIN) and three Scent Detection Novice (SDN) titles awarded – Siberian Husky ‘Achilles,’ owned by Maryrose McIntyre; German Shepherd ‘Ryder,’ owned by Francoise Adam; and Pembroke Welsh Corgi ‘Miller,’ owned by Sandra Hebert.
Canada, Feel Good, How to, Scent Detection, Tips, training, trial Canada, Feel Good, How to, Scent Detection, Tips, training, trial
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